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Created March 18, 2011 18:21
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# Amy's Bash .profile or .bash_profile aliases
# Unix, Git, Memcached
alias cls='clear'
alias dir='ls -alF'
alias e='emacs -nw'
alias gitcp='git cherry-pick'
alias gitl='git log --pretty=oneline -3 --color --name-status | cat'
alias gitl25='git log --pretty=oneline -25 --color | cat'
alias gitlf='git log --pretty=full -5 --color --name-status | cat'
alias gits='git status'
alias memvv='memcached -vv'
alias purge='rm *~'
alias purger='rm `find . -name "*~"`'
alias tree='find . -print | sed -e '\''s;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g'\'''
# Mac OS X
alias docklock='defaults write contents-immutable -bool true;killall Dock'
alias dockunlock='defaults write contents-immutable -bool false;killall Dock'
# Rails
alias cuc='cucumber'
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