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Created January 8, 2022 00:09
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Given a Wordle answer and your guesses, it will format an emoji grid and English alt text.
// Wordle Emoji Formatter
// Given the correct word and your guesses, generates an emoji representation and ALT text.
let PUZZLE_NUMBER: number = 202;
let WORD: string = 'slump';
let GUESSES: string[] = ['clear', 'hoist', 'dumpy', 'slump'];
// ---
let _CARDINAL: string[] = ['-', 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'sixth'];
let _MAX_GUESSES: number = 6;
let _NEWLINE: string = "\n";
let _RESULT_EMOJI: {[key: string]: string} = {
'correct': '🟩',
'in_word': '🟨',
'miss': '⬜️'
interface KeyValue {
[key: string]: boolean
interface LetterTuple {
guessLetter: string;
answerLetter?: string;
isGuessLetterInWord: boolean;
isGuessLetterCorrect: boolean;
function checkForCorrectWord(resultMap: LetterTuple[][]): boolean {
let hasCorrectWord: boolean = false;
resultMap.forEach( wordTuple => {
if (checkTupleIsAllCorrect(wordTuple)) {
hasCorrectWord = true;
return hasCorrectWord;
function checkTupleIsAllCorrect(wordTuple: LetterTuple[]): boolean {
let allCorrect: boolean = true;
wordTuple.forEach( letterTuple => {
if (!letterTuple.isGuessLetterCorrect) {
allCorrect = false;
return allCorrect;
function flat(a: any): any[] {
if (!Array.isArray(a)) { return [a]; }
return a.reduce( (acc: any[], curr: any) => {
if (!Array.isArray(curr)) {
return acc;
return acc.concat( flat(curr) );
}, [] );
function generateAltText(resultMap: LetterTuple[][]): string {
let isCorrectWordInResult: boolean = checkForCorrectWord(resultMap);
let numberGuessesDescription = generateNumberGuessesDescription();
if (!isCorrectWordInResult) {
return `Wordle grid with no correct guess after ${numberGuessesDescription}.`;
return `Wordle guessed correct in ${numberGuessesDescription}: ${, idx) => generateAltTextForWordTuple(wordTuple, idx)).join(', ')}.`;
function generateAltTextForWordTuple(wordTuple: LetterTuple[], index: number): string {
let guessDescription: string;
if (checkTupleIsAllCorrect(wordTuple)) {
guessDescription = 'is correct'
} else {
let numberInWord: number = 0;
let numberCorrect: number = 0;
wordTuple.forEach(letterTuple => {
if (letterTuple.isGuessLetterCorrect) {
} else if (letterTuple.isGuessLetterInWord) {
if (numberInWord > 0) {
if (numberCorrect > 0) {
guessDescription = `${numberCorrect} correct ${numberInWord} in wrong place`;
} else {
guessDescription = `${numberInWord} in wrong place`;
} else {
if (numberCorrect > 0) {
guessDescription = `${numberCorrect} correct`;
} else {
guessDescription = `no letters match`;
return `${_CARDINAL[index + 1]} guess ${guessDescription}`;
function generateHeader(): string {
let numberGuesses: number = GUESSES.length;
return `Wordle ${PUZZLE_NUMBER} ${numberGuesses}/${_MAX_GUESSES}`;
function generateNumberGuessesDescription(): string {
let numberGuesses: number = GUESSES.length;
return numberGuesses == 1
? '1 guess'
: `${numberGuesses} guesses`;
function generateResultGrid(resultMap: LetterTuple[][]): string {
return => {
return => mapGuess(letterTuple)).join('')
function generateResultMap(comparisonMap: KeyValue): LetterTuple[][] {
return => getLetterTuples(guess, WORD, comparisonMap))
function getCharactersFromString(s: string): string[] {
let acc: string[] = [];
for (let i: number = 0; i<s.length; i++) {
return acc;
function getComparisonMap(word: string) {
let map: KeyValue = {};
character => map[character] = true
return map;
function getLetterTuples(guessWord: string, answerWord: string, comparisonMap: KeyValue): LetterTuple[] {
let letterTuples: LetterTuple[] = [];
getCharactersFromString(guessWord).forEach(char => {
isGuessLetterInWord: comparisonMap[char] !== undefined,
isGuessLetterCorrect: false
getCharactersFromString(answerWord).forEach((char, idx) => {
if (idx >= letterTuples.length) { return; }
letterTuples[idx].answerLetter = char;
if (letterTuples[idx].guessLetter === char) {
letterTuples[idx].isGuessLetterCorrect = true;
return letterTuples;
function go() {
let comparisonMap: KeyValue = getComparisonMap(WORD);
let resultMap: LetterTuple[][] = generateResultMap(comparisonMap);
let results: any[] = [
function mapGuess(letterTuple: LetterTuple): string {
if (letterTuple.isGuessLetterCorrect) { return _RESULT_EMOJI['correct']; }
if (letterTuple.isGuessLetterInWord) { return _RESULT_EMOJI['in_word']; }
return _RESULT_EMOJI['miss'];
// ---
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