i wanted to play a bit with the new unfold
command introduced by @hudclark in nushell/nushell#10489 and went with a gist listing task 😏
💡 Note
see nushell/nushell#10630
def "gh list gists" [
user: string, # the user to list all the Gists of
--page-size: int = 100, # the number of Gists per page
]: nothing -> table<url: string, forks_url: string, commits_url: string, id: string, node_id: string, git_pull_url: string, git_push_url: string, html_url: string, files record, public: bool, created_at: string, updated_at: string, description: string, comments: int, user: nothing, comments_url: string, owner: record<login: string, id: int, node_id: string, avatar_url: string, gravatar_id: string, url: string, html_url: string, followers_url: string, following_url: string, gists_url: string, starred_url: string, subscriptions_url: string, organizations_url: string, repos_url: string, events_url: string, received_events_url: