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Created January 25, 2010 06:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
The ingredients of a language identification system
The simple system I've built to do language identification
is based on counting two-letter sequences, called
So for example, the word "house" can be broken into 4
bigrams: ho, ou, us, se.
You'll notice that there are four bigrams for that word,
which is five letters long, so there are "wordlength minus
one" bigrams (or len(word)-1 in Python).
More generally, for a word sequence of length n, there
are len(word)-n+1 bigrams. In the case of the bigrams of
"house", this works out to 5-2+1 = 4.
If we were working with trigrams (sequences of three
letters), there would be len(word)-3+1 trigrams per word --
3 for "house".
def ngrams(word, n):
>>> ngrams(u"house", 2)
[u'ho', u'ou', u'us', u'se']
return [word[i:i+n] for i in range(len(word)-n+1) ]
def bigrams(word):
>>> bigrams(u"house")
[u'ho', u'ou', u'us', u'se']
return ngrams(word,2)
So given some text we have the functions we need to collect
the "raw material" of our model. Next, we'll need to have
a way to count up how many of each bigram we have in a
given text.
def frequency(sequence):
fq = defaultdict(int)
for element in sequence: fq[element] += 1
return fq
If a bigram is very uncommon, it doesn't help us to
distinguish one language from another, and it makes the
model take up too much space. So, we remove all the bigrams
from the model which show up less than some threshhold
number of times.
def trim_model(model, threshhold=3):
for bg, freq in model.items():
if freq < threshhold:
return model
Now, we're ready to model a text:
def model_text(text):
bigram_list = bigrams(text)
bigram_model = frequency(bigram_list)
return trim_model(bigram_model)
def inspect_model(model):
"""Dump the model to see what bigrams are most frequent."""
by_frequency = sorted(model.items(), key=itemgetter(1))
return by_frequency[-10:]
Okay, time for a test:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
text_to_model = open(sys.argv[1], 'U').read().decode('utf-8')
for bigram, freq in inspect_model(model_text(text_to_model)):
print bigram, freq
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