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Created November 19, 2023 11:43
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FIltering broken links
import requests
def filter_working_urls(input_file_path, output_file_path):
Reads URLs from a file, checks if they are working, and writes the working URLs into another file.
Also counts the number of working and broken URLs.
:param input_file_path: Path to the file containing the URLs.
:param output_file_path: Path to the file where working URLs will be written.
:return: Tuple (number of working URLs, number of broken URLs)
working_count = 0
broken_count = 0
with open(input_file_path, 'r') as input_file, open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
for url in input_file:
url = url.strip()
response = requests.get(url, timeout=5)
if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
output_file.write(url + '\n')
working_count += 1
broken_count += 1
except requests.RequestException:
broken_count += 1
return working_count, broken_count
def main():
# Replace these with your file paths
input_file_path = 'input_urls.txt'
output_file_path = 'working_urls.txt'
working_count, broken_count = filter_working_urls(input_file_path, output_file_path)
print(f"Filtering complete. {working_count} working URLs and {broken_count} broken URLs.")
print("Ձեր բռնած գորձին էլ հաջողություն")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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