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Created December 16, 2022 17:27
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local generator = function()
local el_segments = {}
-- Option 2, just a function that returns a string.
local extensions = require('el.extensions')
local subscribe = require('el.subscribe')
local section = require('el.sections')
table.insert(el_segments, extensions.mode) -- mode returns the current mode.
table.insert(el_segments, section.split)
function(window, buffer)
local branch = extensions.git_branch(window, buffer)
if branch then
return branch
table.insert(el_segments, section.split)
-- expresss_line provides a helpful wrapper for these.
-- You can check out el.builtin
local builtin = require('el.builtin')
table.insert(el_segments, builtin.file)
table.insert(el_segments, section.split)
-- Option 4, you can return a coroutine.
-- In lua, you can cooperatively multi-thread.
-- You can use `coroutine.yield()` to yield execution to another coroutine.
-- For example, in luvjob.nvim, there is `co_wait` which is a coroutine
-- version of waiting for a job to complete. So you can start multiple
-- jobs at once and wait for them to all be done.
table.insert(el_segments, extensions.git_changes)
table.insert(el_segments, section.split)
table.insert(el_segments, builtin.filetype)
table.insert(el_segments, builtin.percentage_through_file)
return el_segments
-- And then when you're all done, just call
require('el').setup { generator = generator }
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