//===--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=== |
// nav_utils.c - navigation utilities using acfutils |
// |
// Created by Amy Parent <[email protected]> |
// Copyright (c) 2022 Amy Parent |
// Licensed under the MIT License |
//===--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=== |
#include <acfutils/geom.h> |
#include <acfutils/assert.h> |
// Returns a normalised version of an ECEF vector (unit vector) |
vect3_t geo2ecef_norm(geo_pos2_t pos) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(pos)) return NULL_VECT3; |
return vect3_unit(geo2ecef_mtr(GEO2_TO_GEO3(pos, 0), &wgs84), NULL); |
} |
// Returns the local-horizontal bearing vector for a given position and compass bearing |
vect3_t geo_gc_brg(geo_pos2_t from, double brg) { |
static const vect3_t up = VECT3(0, 0, 1); |
vect3_t norm = geo2ecef_norm(from); |
vect3_t east = vect3_unit(vect3_xprod(up, norm), NULL); |
vect3_t north = vect3_unit(vect3_xprod(norm, east), NULL); |
double angle = DEG2RAD(brg-90.0); |
return vect3_add(vect3_scmul(north, cos(angle)), vect3_scmul(east, sin(angle))); |
} |
// Calculates the normal vector to a great circle trajectory in ECEF |
vect3_t ecef_gc(vect3_t from, vect3_t to) { |
return vect3_unit(vect3_xprod(from, to), NULL); |
} |
// Returns the distance along the track define by an end point and a course into that point |
double gc_distance_along(geo_pos2_t to, double brg, geo_pos2_t pos) { |
if(isnan(brg)) return gc_distance(pos, to); |
vect3_t to_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(to); |
vect3_t pos_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(pos); |
vect3_t gc = geo_gc_brg(to, brg); |
vect3_t along_pt = vect3_unit(vect3_xprod(vect3_xprod(gc, pos_ecef), gc), NULL); |
return EARTH_MSL * acos(vect3_dotprod(along_pt, to_ecef)); |
} |
// Returns the cross track distance from a great circle defined by its normal vector |
double ecef_xtk(vect3_t gc, vect3_t ppos) { |
// vect3_t abeam = vect3_xprod(gc, vect3_xprod(gc, ppos)); |
return -EARTH_MSL * (acos(vect3_dotprod(gc, ppos)) - M_PI/2.0); |
} |
// Returns the cross-track distance of [pos] from a great circle [from -> to] |
double gc_xtk_between(geo_pos2_t from, geo_pos2_t to, geo_pos2_t pos) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(from) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(to) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(pos)) return NAN; |
vect3_t fr_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(from); |
vect3_t to_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(to); |
vect3_t pos_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(pos); |
vect3_t gc = ecef_gc(fr_ecef, to_ecef); |
return ecef_xtk(gc, pos_ecef); |
} |
// Returns the cross-track distance of [pos] from a great circle defined by an end point and a track. |
double gc_xtk_trk(geo_pos2_t to, double trk, geo_pos2_t pos) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(to) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(pos) || isnan(trk)) return NAN; |
vect3_t pos_ecef = geo2ecef_norm(pos); |
vect3_t gc = geo_gc_brg(to, trk); |
return ecef_xtk(gc, pos_ecef); |
} |
// Same as gc_distance_along, but using local flat plane projection |
double lh_distance_along(geo_pos2_t to, double track, geo_pos2_t loc) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(to) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(loc)) return NAN; |
fpp_t fpp = gnomo_fpp_init(to, 0, &wgs84, B_FALSE); |
vect2_t proj = geo2fpp(loc, &fpp); |
double brg = dir2hdg(vect2_sub(VECT2(0, 0), proj)); |
return fabs(vect2_abs(proj) * cos(DEG2RAD(brg-track))); |
} |
// Same as gc_xtk_to, but using local flat plane projection |
double lh_xtk_to(geo_pos2_t to, double track, geo_pos2_t loc) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(to) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(loc)) return NAN; |
fpp_t fpp = stereo_fpp_init(to, 0, &wgs84, B_FALSE); |
vect2_t proj = geo2fpp(loc, &fpp); |
double brg = dir2hdg(vect2_sub(VECT2(0, 0), proj)); |
return vect2_abs(proj) * sin(DEG2RAD(brg-track)); |
} |
// Same as gc_xtk_from, but using local flat plane projection |
double lh_xtk_from(geo_pos2_t from, double track, geo_pos2_t loc) { |
if(IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(from) || IS_NULL_GEO_POS2(loc)) return NAN; |
fpp_t fpp = gnomo_fpp_init(from, 0, &wgs84, B_FALSE); |
vect2_t proj = geo2fpp(loc, &fpp); |
double brg = dir2hdg(vect2_sub(VECT2(0, 0), proj)); |
return vect2_abs(proj) * sin(DEG2RAD(brg-track)); |
} |