#WDI Week 2 Notes
Robot name:
class Robot
#i want the ability to read the instruction count
attr_reader :instruction_count
#initialize only gets called when you call .new
#thats the only time initialize runs
#this is why the new robot has the same name each time you puts robot1.name
def initialize
@instruction_count = 0
@creation_time = @boot_time = Time.now
@name = letters + numbers
@mac = (0...4).map { rand(1000..9999).to_s}.join(':')
def name
@instruction_count += 1
def reset
@instruction_count += 1
@name = letters + numbers
@boot_time = Time.now
def timers
"#{(Time.now - @boot_time).round} seconds since last boot " +
"#{(Time.now - @creation_time).round} seconds since creation"
def letters
def numbers
require 'pry'
puts "Robot 1: "
robot1 = Robot.new
puts robot1.name
puts robot1.name
puts robot1.name
puts "Robot 2: "
robot2 = Robot.new
puts robot2.name
puts robot2.name
puts robot2.name
puts "Robot 3: "
robot3 = Robot.new
puts robot3.name
puts robot3.name
puts "Resetting to factory settings."
puts robot3.name
puts robot3.name
###The web
Local host just means the machine that this code is currently running on.
http:// - protocol
localhost - domain
4567 - port
calc - path
first=6&operator=%2B&second=6 - query string
###LAB: Stock Lookup
###Homework: Pair Programming Bot
My attempt: https://github.com/amysimmons/wdi8_homework/tree/master/amy/pair_programming_bot
###HTML5 Forms
<form action="/process">
<label for="query">Thing to search for:</label>
<input type="search" name="query" id="query" placeholder="Search">
<label for="age">Name:</label>
<input name="name" id="name" placeholder="Abraham" autofocus>
<label for="age">Age:</label>
<input type="number" id="age" name="age" placeholder="99">
<label for="booking_date">Booking date:</label>
<input type="date" name="booking_date" id="booking_date">
<label for="myspace_page">Myspace page:</label>
<input type="url" name="myspace_page" id="myspace_page" required>
<label for="address">Address</label>
<input type="email" id="address" name="address">
<label for="avatar">Avatar</label>
<input type="file" name="avatar" id="avatar">
<label for="letter_home">Letter to home:</label>
<textarea name="letter_home" id="letter_home" placeholder="Dead mum and dad"></textarea>
<label for="bros">Favourite Marx Brother:</label>
<select name="bros" id="bros">
<option value="groucho">Groucho Marx</option>
<option value="harpo" selected>Harpo Marx</option>
<option value="chico">Chico Marx</option>
<option value="zeppo" disabled>Zeppo Marx</option>
Select your vices:
<label for="wine">Wine</label>
<input id="wine" name="vices[]" type="checkbox" value="wine">
<label for="cigars">Cigars</label>
<input id="cigars" name="vices[]" type="checkbox" value="cigars">
<label for="heroin">Heroin</label>
<input id="heroin" name="vices[]" type="checkbox" value="heroin">
<!-- the square brackets after the name allows you to select multiple choices and it will store them in an array -->
Select your favourite vice:
<label for="wine">Wine</label>
<input id="wine" name="fave_vice" type="radio" value="wine">
<label for="cigars">Cigars</label>
<input id="cigars" name="fave_vice" type="radio" value="cigars">
<label for="heroin">Heroin</label>
<input id="heroin" name="fave_vice" type="radio" value="heroin">
Lab: Movie posters
###Homework: SydJS
###Lab: Movie posters v.2
###Homework: Games
The task:
My attempt:
####The difference between GET and POST in forms
<form action="/" method="post">
<label for="client">Client: </label>
<input type="text" id="client" name="client">
<label for="service">Service: </label>
<input type="text" id="service" name="service">
<label for="cost">Cost</label>
<input type="number" id="cost" name="cost">
<input type="submit" value="Create recepit">
method get is what's implicitly in the form, it puts the info in the url
get request: is just saying give me som einformation
eg get me the movie poster for Jaws a thousand times
method post means send the data to the server, but when you post it you won't see it in the url, it sends it to the server behind the scenes in another way
post request: is something you want to receive only once
eg when you are creating something on the server, not fetching something, actually pushing something into the server
the basic difference between get and post is whether it is changing something on the server or not
####Including a view within another view in Sinatra
<%= erb :form, :layout => false %>
this is saying go and get my form but don't bother including the layout
this only matters if you're including a view within another view
if you do want to do that just say layout false
####Keeping the user's data out of the URL
with get method, the user's data is stored in the url
but every time the user hits refresh, it will reenter that data in the csv File
it's also not secure to have passwords and credit card details in the url
POST will make it so the information never appears in the url
####What if my CSS isn't showing on one page in Sinatra?
putting a fwd slash at the start of your css href will say ignore where you think I am, go back to the very start of the site and find it