#WDI Week 1 Notes
###Command Line
top - table of processes (q to quit or ctrl + c)
pwd - print working directory
#WDI Week 1 Notes
###Command Line
top - table of processes (q to quit or ctrl + c)
pwd - print working directory
#Ruby Monk Notes
##Ruby Primer
Objects and methods
#WDI Week 2 Notes
Robot name:
#WDI Week 3 Notes
Australia Day Public Holiday
#WDI Week 4 Notes
#WDI Week 5 Notes
#WDI Week 6 Notes
###You only need one method for testing
class Bob
#WDI Week 7 Notes
###MTA Demos
###Timers & Underscore
rails new matrix -T
#WDI Week 8 Notes
#WDI Week 9 Notes
###Code School: The Anatomy of Backbone.js