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0 HOPOPT, IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option.
1 ICMP, Internet Control Message Protocol.
2 IGAP, IGMP for user Authentication Protocol. IGMP, Internet Group Management Protocol. RGMP, Router-port Group Management Protocol.
3 GGP, Gateway to Gateway Protocol.
4 IP in IP encapsulation.
5 ST, Internet Stream Protocol.
6 TCP, Transmission Control Protocol.
8 EGP, Exterior Gateway Protocol.
9 IGRP, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
# Quicksort Algorithm - sort a sequence in place, for additional convenience
# returns the sequence.
# Time complexity: nlgn (average case) and n^2 (worst case)
# Script is intended to be run with Python3, but is Python2 compatible.
# If running the script with Python2, range() function will return a list.
# Consider changing it to xrange(), if running with Python2.
def quicksort(seq, start, end):
# Bubble Sort Algorithm - sort a sequence in place, for additional convenience
# returns the sequence.
# Time complexity: n^2
# For descending sort change the comparison symbol on line 13:
# if seq[i] > seq[i-1]
# Script is intended to be run with Python3, but is Python2 compatible.
# If running the script with Python2, range() function will return a list.
# Consider changing it to xrange(), if running with Python2.
# Binary Search Algorithm - requires the sequence to be already sorted.
# If the elements exists in the sequence, returns the index of the found
# element, otherwise returns None.
# Time complexity - lgn
from __future__ import print_function
def binary_search(seq, key):
imin = 0
imax = len(seq)
# Selection Sort Algorithm - sorts a sequence in place, for additional
# convenience returns the sequence.
# Time complexity: n^2
# Script is intended to be run with Python3, but is Python2 compatible.
# If running the script with Python2, range() function will return a list.
# Consider changing it to xrange() if using Python3.
from __future__ import print_function
# Merge Sort Algorithm - sorts a sequence in place recursively, for additional
# convenience returns the sequence.
# Time complexity: nlgn
# The script is Python2-3 compatible.
from __future__ import print_function
def merge_sort(seq):
if len(seq) == 1:
return seq
# Insertion Sort Algorithm - sorts a sequence in place, for additional
# convenience returns the sequence.
# Time complexity: n^2
# For descending sort change the comparison symbol on line 18:
# while i >= 0 and seq[i] < key
# Script is intended to be run with Python3, but is Python2 compatible.
# If running the script with Python2, range() function will return a list.
# Consider changing it to xrange(), if running with Python2.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ana-balica on github.
  • I am anabalica ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9A7A 4FEC F098 EF9F 10DC 270D 4465 297A 2944 787C

To claim this, I am signing this object:

ana-balica / Bachelor Thesis Topics
Created December 9, 2013 23:58
A list of potential bachelor thesis topics
Bachelor Thesis Topics
* IT Student-Company Platform
Short description: a web platform for my home university similar to the one
recently developed at CVUT, where students and companies have a match. Companies
can post offerings, tasks, internships. Students can access the data, apply
and eventually get involved into the real-world programming.
Technologies: any web framework, databases
Motivation: offering a solution to companies that seek for young enthusiastic
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from urlparse import urljoin
from . import Extension
from ..treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
class AbsoluteImagesExtension(Extension):
""" Absolute Images Extension """