1902 5202 0698 | AzazelNeyaphem | 33 | ❄️ |
0954 2337 2874 | TheSweetLari | 31 | ❄️ |
4450 6090 7917 | AnaBastos | 30 | 🔥 |
7243 4192 8712 | RiJooJ | 30 | ⚡️ |
5263 2036 6027 | AfonsoPacifer | 30 | ❄️ |
4787 4305 2002 | alvaroxineis | 30 | ❄️ |
? | douruishi | 27 | ❄️ |
8736 4933 7053 | iKawakami | 26 | ❄️ |
0254 4380 8687 | Rachcl | 25 | ❄️ |
4575 0410 0372 | BrendowPaolillo | 25 | ⚡️ |
? | lucasteske | 24 | ❄️ |
1572 7707 2268 | khaosdoctor | 22 | ❄️ |
? | uilhams | 20 | ⚡️ |
5602 9148 7759 | DeusaDosPikachus | ? |
Power up Pokemon 5 times
Battle in a Gym 2 times
Battle in a raid
Recompensas: 10x Pokeball; 1x Fast TM e 1x Super Incubator.
Make 3 new friends
Evolve an evolved GRASS-type Pokemon
Catch a Pokemon 3 days in a row
Recompensas: 1x Sun Stone; 1500 Stardust e 1x Premium Raid Pass.
Use a Sun Stone to evolve Gloom or Sunkern
Reach Level 25
Hatch 9 eggs
Recompensas: 1x King's Rock; Eevee Encounter e 1x Premium Raid Pass
Evolve Eevee into Espeon during the day*
Walk 10 km with Eevee as your buddy to earn Candy
Send 20 gifts to Friends ** Primeiro andar 10KM com o Eevee como seu amigo antes de evoluir para Espeon.**
Recompensas: 1x Metal Coat; Eevee Encounter e 2500 Stardust
Walk 10 km with Eevee as your buddy to earn Candy
Evolve Eevee into Umbreon at night*
Trade a Pokémon Primeiro andar 10KM com o Eevee antes de evoluir para Umbreon e renomear.
- Recompensas: 1x Starpiece; 15x Pinapberry e 1x Upgrade.*
Visit PokéStops 7 days in a row
Use 25 Pinap Berries while catching Pokémon
Use items to evolve Pokémon 2 times
Recompensas: 5x Silver Pinapberry; 1x Dragon Scale e 3500 Stardust