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Created December 9, 2012 19:31
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Concurrency;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Reactive.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Geolocation;
namespace ReactiveUI.Mobile
public interface IReactiveGeolocator
IObservable<Position> Listen(int minUpdateTime, double minUpdateDist, bool includeHeading = false);
IObservable<Position> GetPosition(bool includeHeading = false);
public static class ReactiveGeolocator
[ThreadStatic] static IReactiveGeolocator _UnitTestImplementation;
static IReactiveGeolocator _Implementation;
internal static IReactiveGeolocator Implementation {
get { return _UnitTestImplementation ?? _Implementation; }
set {
if (RxApp.InUnitTestRunner()) {
_UnitTestImplementation = value;
_Implementation = _Implementation ?? value;
} else {
_Implementation = value;
public static IObservable<Position> Listen(int minUpdateTime, double minUpdateDist, bool includeHeading = false)
if (Implementation != null) {
return Implementation.Listen(minUpdateTime, minUpdateDist, includeHeading);
var ret = Observable.Create<Position>(subj => {
var geo = new Geolocator();
var disp = new CompositeDisposable();
bool isDead = false;
if (!geo.IsGeolocationAvailable || !geo.IsGeolocationEnabled) {
return Observable.Throw<Position>(new Exception("Geolocation isn't available")).Subscribe(subj);
// NB: This isn't very Functional, but I'm lazy.
disp.Add(Observable.FromEventPattern<PositionEventArgs>(x => geo.PositionChanged += x, x => geo.PositionChanged -= x).Subscribe(x => {
if (isDead) return;
disp.Add(Observable.FromEventPattern<PositionErrorEventArgs>(x => geo.PositionError += x, x => geo.PositionError -= x).Subscribe(ex => {
isDead = true;
var toDisp = Interlocked.Exchange(ref disp, null);
if (toDisp != null) toDisp.Dispose();
subj.OnError(new GeolocationException(ex.EventArgs.Error));
return disp;
return ret.Multicast(new Subject<Position>()).RefCount();
public static IObservable<Position> GetPosition(bool includeHeading = false)
if (Implementation != null) {
return Implementation.GetPosition(includeHeading);
var ret = Observable.Create<Position>(subj => {
var geo = new Geolocator();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var disp = new CompositeDisposable();
if (!geo.IsGeolocationAvailable || !geo.IsGeolocationEnabled) {
return Observable.Throw<Position>(new Exception("Geolocation isn't available")).Subscribe(subj);
disp.Add(new CancellationDisposable(cts));
disp.Add(geo.GetPositionAsync(cts.Token, includeHeading).ToObservable().Subscribe(subj));
return disp;
}).Multicast(new AsyncSubject<Position>());
return ret;
public static IDisposable WithGeolocator(IReactiveGeolocator implementation)
var orig = Implementation;
Implementation = implementation;
return Disposable.Create(() => Implementation = orig);
public static IDisposable UseLocationData(IObservable<Position> positionStream, IScheduler scheduler = null)
return WithGeolocator(new TestGeolocator(positionStream, scheduler));
public class TestGeolocator : IReactiveGeolocator
readonly BehaviorSubject<Position> _latestPosition = new BehaviorSubject<Position>(null);
readonly IScheduler _scheduler;
public TestGeolocator(IObservable<Position> positionStream, IScheduler scheduler = null)
_scheduler = scheduler ?? RxApp.DeferredScheduler;
public IObservable<Position> Listen(int minUpdateTime, double minUpdateDist, bool includeHeading = false)
DateTimeOffset? lastStamp = null;
Position lastPos = null;
return _latestPosition.Skip(1)
.Where(x => {
var ret = lastStamp == null || x.Timestamp - lastStamp > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(minUpdateTime);
lastStamp = x.Timestamp;
return ret;
.Where(x => {
var ret = lastPos == null || distForPos(lastPos, x.Value) > minUpdateDist;
lastPos = x.Value;
return ret;
.Select(x => x.Value);
public IObservable<Position> GetPosition(bool includeHeading = false)
var ret = _latestPosition.Take(1).Multicast(new AsyncSubject<Position>());
return ret;
double distForPos(Position lhs, Position rhs)
return Math.Sqrt(
Math.Pow(rhs.Latitude - lhs.Latitude, 2.0) +
Math.Pow(rhs.Longitude - lhs.Longitude, 2.0));
public class GeolocationException : Exception
public GeolocationException(GeolocationError error)
Info = error;
public GeolocationError Info { get; protected set; }
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