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Mathias Bogaert analytically

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zytek /
Last active September 22, 2024 17:19
Terraform to manage AWS RDS PostgreSQL databases, users and owners

Terraform vs PostgreSQL RDS

Thanks to new resources (postgresql_default_priviledges) and some fixes Terraform can now add new databases and manage ownership / access to them.

This example creates new database and two users. You can use owner to create new tables and run migrations and user for normal read/write access to database.

MWins /
Last active February 20, 2025 19:18
Back end Projects - list

Project Ideas

Ok. I'm going to list off some ideas for projects. You will have to determine if any particular idea is good enough to include in a portfolio. These aren't creative ideas. They likely already exist. Some are way too advanced while others are simplistic.

I will recommend to post any project you make to github and make a github project page for it. Explain in as much detail as possible how you made it, how it can be improved etc. Document it.

If you pick an advanced idea, setup a development roadmap and follow it. This will show some project management skills.

Another piece of advice for those who are design challenged. Use different front end frameworks and use different themes for those frameworks to provide appealing designs without looking like yet another bootstrap site.

adriaanm / nightly.sbt
Created December 11, 2016 19:13
How to use the latest Scala nightly build from your sbt build by @SethTisue
// originally by @SethTisue, see
resolvers += "nightlies" at ""
scalaVersion := {
val propsUrl = new URL("*view*/")
val props = new java.util.Properties
scalaBinaryVersion := "2.12"
leonardofed /
Last active February 21, 2025 05:06
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

1. No way of reusing task output in main play.
2. Cannot specify multiple fail_when statements.
3. [*] A play is atomic, i.e. I can't take the output from a command, parse its json then act on it. I need to create an intermediary fact containing the json dict then use that in another play. It's tedious.
4. If you're missing a variable in a variable file, Ansible won't fail to parse it. It will just tell you "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!," which is ambiguous
5. Doing anything "complicated" (like looping within a loop for deeply nested Ansible variables) is right out.
6. selectattr doesn't actually do what you think it does!
7. Missing vars within tasks or roles can lead to very very VERY cryptic errors
8. So you can't set booleans with set_facts without casting.........
9. It would be great if I could say something like:
dnd / handlers.json
Created September 11, 2015 23:19
Sensu InfluxDB 0.9 UDP Line Protocol
"handlers": {
"metrics": {
"type": "set",
"handlers": ["influxdb_udp"]
"influxdb_udp": {
"type": "udp",
"mutator": "influxdb_line_protocol",
"socket": {
jnape / FutureEither.scala
Created April 3, 2013 09:03
Making dealing with Future[Either[L, R]] palatable in Scala
package com.thoughtworks.futureeither
import concurrent.{Await, Future}
import concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class FutureEither[L, R](private val future: Future[Either[L, R]]) {
def flatMap[R2](block: R => FutureEither[L, R2]): FutureEither[L, R2] = {
sadache /
Created July 8, 2012 21:29
Is socket.push(bytes) all you need to program Realtime Web apps?

Is socket.push(bytes) all you need to program Realtime Web apps?

One of the goals of Play2 architecture is to provide a programming model for what is called Realtime Web Applications.

Realtime Web Applications

Realtime Web Applications are applications that make use of Websockets, Server Sent Events, Comet or other protocols offering/simulating an open socket between the browser and the server for continuous communication. Basically, these applications let users work with information as it is published - without having to periodically ping the service.

There are quite a few web frameworks that target the development of this type of application: but usually the solution is to simply provide an API that allows developers to push/receive messages from/to an open channel, something like: