Create a new directory for your article.
mkdir my-article
cd my-article
Install quarto extension for Taylor and Francis Template:
quarto install extension mikemahoney218/quarto-tandf
Create a file article.qmd
with the following content:
title: The Title
subtitle: The Subtitle
- name: The Author
email: [email protected]
bibliography: references.bib
keep-tex: true
text: |
\fancyhead[LL]{The Title}
\fancyhead[R]{The Subtitle}
\fancyfoot[L]{The Author}
date: 2024-10-12
abstract: |
Abstract Line 1
Line 2
Para 2
Para 3
# Introduction
# First Section
# Second Section
# Summary
# References {.unnunmbered}
::: {#refs}
Create an empty file and save it as references.bib
Run the following command to generate your pdf.
quarto render article.qmd --to tandf-pdf
After running this, you'll have article.pdf
in the same directory.