"Go is for the essentialist"
- Language
- Libraries
- Tooling
Go programs can be of two types - commands and packages. Commands usually have a main function where execution starts.
go build
- builds the executable in the same directorygo install
- builds the executable and puts it in the $GOtripleATH/bingo run
- runs the program
go fmt
is the standard way to format your code.godoc -http=:8080
is how you can serve up a local copy of docsgodoc.org
for all the documentation
var greeting string = "Hello world"
You can drop the string here since greeting is being initialized - go can infer that it is of type string. So
var greeting = "Hello world"
var d, e, f = 1, 2.0, "hello"
Drop var
and use :=
course := "Essential Go"
x, y, z := 1, 3, 2
In go, any identifier that starts with an uppercase is public and available for use by other packages. Example: fmt.Println
In this example, Version and author are global variables
package main
var Version = "0.0.1"
var author = "@anant90"
func main() {
You can also group variables or constants together:
var (
author = "@anant90"
Version = "0.0.1"
const (
CCVisa = "Visa"
if true == true {
fmt.Println("true is true")
} else {
fmt.Println("true is false")
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
for {
fmt.Println("Infinite Loops")
j := true
for j {
fmt.Println("This should happen only once")
j = false
func double(n int) int {
return n + n
func function_name(argument type) return_type {}
func parseName (name string) (first, last string) {
parsed := string.Split(name, " ")
return parsed[0], parsed[1]
use _
in function calls to discard a result.
first, _ := parseName("Anant Jain")
Anonymous function:
greet := func(name string) {
fmt.Println("Hello", name)
func triple( n*int) {
*n = *n * 3
num := 5
package main
import (
var port int
func main() {
// We will get the port through a cli flag
flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 3000, "The port to run the file server on")
fmt.Printf("Serving files on localhost:%v\n", port)
err := ServeStatic(port)
if err != nil {
func ServeStatic(port int) error {
host := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%v", port)
return http.ListenAndServe(host, http.FileServer(http.Dir(".")))
var nums [5]int
fmt.Println("empty:", nums)
nums[4] = 100
Slices are abstractions on top of arrays
ints := []int{1,2,3,4,5}
ints = append(ints, 6)
ints [2:4]
for i, val := range ints {
fmt.Println(i, val)
Maps can be initialized with the make builtin
age := male(map[string]int)
age["jeremy"] = 24
age["jordie"] = 21
age["josh"] = 27
delete(age, "jeremy")
m := map[string] int {
"jeremy": 24,
"jordie": 21,
for n, a := range m {
fmt.Prinf("%v is %v years old", n ,a)
Specify interface as type when you do not know the return type - it may act like the void
is another way to tell go to stop executing. Discouraged for use in libraries. It is like throwing an exception.
Check out how to define a type as well
explicitly tries to convert c["name"]
to string
// To make use of some of our collections knowledge, we will parse some JSON
// configuration into our application.
package main
import (
// we will create a function called LoadConfig that will load up our JSON
// configuration file
func LoadConfig(path string) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var m map[string]interface{}
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return m, err
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &m)
return m, err
func main() {
config, err := LoadConfig("config.json")
if err != nil {
type point struct {
x, y int
p := point{20, 40}
type rect struct {
pos point
width int
height int
func newPoint(x, y int) point {
return point{x, y}
r := rect {
pos: NewPoint(20,40),
width: 100
height: 200
##Method on a struct:
func (r rect) area() int {
return r.width * r.height
Animal is an interface. Any type which implements the Pet and Name function can be considered an Animal.
package main
import "fmt"
type Animal interface {
Name() string
type Cat struct {
name string
func (c Cat) Pet() {
func (c Cat) Name() string {
return c.name
type Dog struct {
name string
func (d Dog) Pet() {
fmt.Println("woof woof")
func (d Dog) Name() string {
return d.name
func Compliment(a Animal) {
fmt.Println("Great Job", a.Name())
func main() {
c := Cat{"johnny larry"}
d := Dog{"trixie belle"}
is always the path of the binary being run.
Key things:
- Generating markdown
- Package Building
- Go Templates
- Concurrency != Parallelism
- Go by default runs on one core
- The scheduler is really smart
Primitives: Goroutines, Channels, Select statement
is a function which prints a string, then sleeps for 100 ms
go say("go")
go say("for it")
c := make(chan string, 4)
c <- "Hello"
c <- "world"
v := <-c
Multiplex channel results (Events from Goroutines)
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
done <- true
<- done
func waiton(done chan bool) {
select {
case <-done:
case <- time.After(500 * time.Millisecond):