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Created November 5, 2018 11:17
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Jest environment variable testing

Simple example that demonstrates how to test environment variables from Jest

describe('models/env unit tests', () => {
  function importTestedModule() {
    return require('../../../src').models; // eslint-disable-line

  beforeEach(() => {

  test('env is set', () => {
    process.env.TABLE_NAME = 'foo';
    const { env } = importTestedModule();
    const result = env.getTableName();

  test('env is not set', () => {
    delete process.env.TABLE_NAME;
    const { env } = importTestedModule();
    const result = env.getTableName();
const TableName = process.env.TABLE_NAME || 'default-table-name';

function getTableName() {
  return TableName;

module.exports = {
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