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Last active April 13, 2024 15:09
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Simple Socket Chat Server in Rust. (TcpListener, TcpStream, SharedChan, RWArc)
extern mod sync;
// str op trait
use std::str::StrSlice;
// for tcp listen
use std::io::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::io::net::ip::SocketAddr;
// for trait
use std::io::{Listener, Writer, Acceptor, Buffer};
// for spawn
use std::task::spawn;
// for read_line
use std::io::BufferedStream;
// for gathering chat msg
use std::comm::SharedChan;
// for chat msg storage
use sync::RWArc;
fn chat_loop(ss: &mut BufferedStream<TcpStream>, chan: SharedChan<~str>, arc: RWArc<~[~str]>) {
ss.write(bytes!("Welcome to Simple Chat Server!\n"));
ss.write(bytes!("Plz input yourname: "));
let mut name : ~str = ss.read_line().unwrap();
name = name.trim_right().into_owned();
ss.write_str(format!("Hello, {}!\n", name));
let mut pos = 0;
loop {|lines| {
println!("DEBUG => {}", lines.to_str());
for i in range(pos, lines.len()) {
pos = lines.len();
ss.write(bytes!(" > "));
let reads = ss.read_line().unwrap();
if reads.trim().len() != 0 {
println!("DEBUG reads len =>>>>> {}", reads.len());
chan.send(format!("[{}] said: {}", name, reads));
println!("DEBUG: got '{}' from {}", reads.trim(), name);
fn main () {
//let ip : IpAddr = from_str("").unwrap();
//let addr = SocketAddr{ip:ip, port:8888};
let addr : SocketAddr = from_str("").unwrap();
let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).unwrap();
let mut acceptor = listener.listen().unwrap();
let (port, chan) : (Port<~str>, SharedChan<~str>)= SharedChan::new();
let arc : RWArc<~[~str]> = RWArc::new(~[]);
let arc_w = arc.clone();
spawn(proc() {
loop {
let msg = port.recv();
print!("DEBUG: {}", msg);
arc_w.write(|lines| lines.push(msg.to_str()));
loop {
match acceptor.accept() {
Err(_) => println!("error listen"),
Ok(mut stream) => {
println!("DEBUG: got connection from {} to {}",
let chan = chan.clone();
let arc = arc.clone();
spawn(proc() {
let mut stream = BufferedStream::new(stream);
chat_loop(&mut stream, chan, arc);
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I took the liberty to port this to a recent (nightly) version of rust since most of the APIs changed in the meantime:

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dpruessner commented Sep 20, 2019

@Nervengift -- Thanks! Was trying to figure out what the template with tilde syntax was all about, too....

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andelf commented Sep 20, 2019

@dpruessner That was what Rust looks like in 2014. :)

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That was what Rust looks like in 2014. :)

Glad to see this , That closure-like syntax at line 59 looks very alien right now.
Like from where that proc() coming

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