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Last active December 10, 2015 18:49
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Save anderson-mota/4477588 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Pager
public $path;
public $page = 1;
public $perPage = 15;
public $offset;
public $totalPages;
public $total;
public $lastPage;
public $prev;
public $next;
public $method = "default";
public $ajax_function = null;
public $alternative = false;
public $params;
public function __construct($page = null, $perPage = null){
if ($page != null) {
$this->page = $page;
}elseif($_GET['page'] != null){
$this->page = clear($_GET['page']);
$this->perPage = $perPage;
$this->offset = ($this->page * $this->perPage) - $this->perPage;
* @param $pages Array de dados estraídos para aparecer na página corrente;
* @return string
public function paginate($pages = null)
$this->total = count($pages);
if($this->total <= $this->perPage){
return false;
$this->totalPages = $this->total / $this->perPage;
$this->prev = $this->page - 1;
$this->next = $this->page + 1;
$this->totalPages = ceil($this->totalPages);
$this->params .= '&';
//criando link anterior
if ($this->page > 1) {
if ($this->method == "ajax") {
$prev_link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick = \"$this->ajax_function('$this->path', $this->prev); return false;\"> <span>&lsaquo;</span> anterior </a>";
$first_link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick = \"$this->ajax_function('$this->path', 1); return false;\"> <span>&lsaquo;&lsaquo;</span> </a>";
} else {
$prev_link = "<a href=\"$this->path?{$this->params}page=$this->prev\"> <span>&lsaquo;</span> anterior </a>";
$first_link = "<a href=\"$this->path?{$this->params}page=1\"> <span>Primeiro</span> </a>";
} else {
$prev_link = "";
//Criando link próximo
if ($this->totalPages > $this->page) {
if ($this->method == "ajax") {
$next_link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick = \"$this->ajax_function('$this->path', $this->next); return false;\"> pr&oacute;ximo <span>&rsaquo;</span> </a>";
$last_link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick = \"$this->ajax_function('$this->path', $this->totalPages); return false;\"> <span>&rsaquo;&rsaquo;</span> </a>";
} else {
$next_link = "<a href=\"$this->path?{$this->params}page=$this->next\"> pr&oacute;ximo <span>&rsaquo;</span> </a> ";
$last_link = "<a href=\"$this->path?{$this->params}page=$this->totalPages\"> <span>... Último</span> </a> ";
} else {
$next_link = "";
$this->lastPage = $this->path . "?page={$this->totalPages}";
$max = $this->page + 3;
if ($max >= $this->totalPages) {
$max = $this->totalPages;
if ($this->page >= 6) {
$value = $this->page;
} else {
$value = 1;
$panel = "";
//criando o painel de navegação
for ($x = $value; $x <= $max; $x++) {
if ($x == $this->page) {
$panel .= "<li class='active'><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" class=\"current-page\"> $x</a></li> ";
} else {
if ($this->method == "ajax") {
$panel .= "<li><a href=\"#\" onclick = \"$this->ajax_function('$this->path', $x); return false;\"> $x </a>";
} else {
$panel .= "<li> <a href=\"$this->path?{$this->params}page=$x\">$x</a>";
return $this->renderAlternative($panel, $first_link, $last_link);
return $this->render($panel, $first_link, $prev_link, $next_link, $last_link);
public function render($panel, $first_link, $prev_link, $next_link, $last_link){
return <<<PAG
<li class="contador"> <a href="#"> Total: {$this->total} registros - Página: {$this->page} de {$this->totalPages}</a></li>
<li class="first"> {$first_link}</li>
<li class="ant"> {$prev_link}</li>
{$panel} </li>
<li class="prox"> {$next_link} </li>
<li class="last"> {$last_link} </li>
public function renderAlternative($panel, $first_link, $last_link){
return <<<PAG
<span class="bt-primeiro">{$first_link}</span>
{$panel} </li>
<span class="bt-ultimo">{$last_link}</span>
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