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Last active March 18, 2022 13:23
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  • Save anderson-pids/ee2b641883102386e7898e3c7a3d6c8d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anderson-pids/ee2b641883102386e7898e3c7a3d6c8d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting size of all repos and tags into dockerhub organization
#set you organization
# using tool of dockerhub to list repos and get tags:
echo "Getting dockerhub repositories.."
echo "Created: $REPO_DATA_PATH"
${PATH_HUBTOOL} repo ls --all --format json meliuz --all > ${REPO_DATA_PATH}
echo "Created: $REPO_DATA_LIST"
cat ${REPO_DATA_PATH} | jq ".[].Name" | tr -d '",' > ${REPO_DATA_LIST}
# Loop over repos
(( total = 0 ))
while read repo; do
echo "Acessing $repo.."
total_repo=$(${PATH_HUBTOOL} tag ls --all --format json $repo | jq '.[].FullSize' | awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.2f",s/1000000000 }' | tr , .)
total=$(echo "scale=2;$total+$total_repo" | bc -l)
echo "repo: $total_repo GB"
echo "total: $total GB"
printf "\n\n"
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