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Created October 1, 2016 08:52
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async function onNewMessage(newMessage) {
const [
] = await Promise.all([
r.table('RoomUser').get(['r31', 'liron-shapira'])('seenTimestamp'),
r.table('Message').filter({roomId: 'r31'}).max('timestamp')
if (previousMaxMessageTimestamp < seenTimestamp && seenTimestamp < newMessage.timestamp) {
// r31's status is flipping from "read" to "unread" as a result of inserting newMessage,
// so we know that if we were to recalculate numUnreadRooms, it would end up incrementing
// the previous value by 1
await r.table('User').get('liron-shapira').update({
numUnreadRooms: r.row('numUnreadRooms').add(1)
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