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Last active November 28, 2018 23:58
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  • Save andersy005/5fb366af41fe5aac464660977876effb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#! /usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import cftime
xr_open_ds = {'chunks' : {'time':1},
'decode_coords' : False,
'decode_times' : False,
'data_vars' : 'minimal'}
#-- function
def _list_to_indexer(index_list):
.. function:: _list_to_indexer(index_list)
Convert string formatted as: dimname,start[,stop[,stride]]
to index (for the case where only 'start' is provided)
or indexing object (slice).
:param index_list: index list as passed in from
--isel dimname:start,stop,stride
:returns: dict -- {dimname: indexing object}
if len(index_list) == 1:
return index_list[0]
elif len(index_list) == 2:
return slice(index_list[0],index_list[1])
elif len(index_list) == 3:
return slice(index_list[0],index_list[1],index_list[2])
raise ValueError('illformed dimension subset')
#-- function
def time_bound_var(ds):
tb_name = ''
if 'bounds' in ds['time'].attrs:
tb_name = ds['time'].attrs['bounds']
elif 'time_bound' in ds:
tb_name = 'time_bound'
raise ValueError('No time_bound variable found')
tb_dim = ds[tb_name].dims[1]
return tb_name,tb_dim
#-- function
def compute_mon_climatology(dsm):
'''Compute a monthly climatology'''
tb_name,tb_dim = time_bound_var(dsm)
grid_vars = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' not in dsm[v].dims]
variables = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' in dsm[v].dims and v not in ['time',tb_name]]
# save attrs
attrs = {v:dsm[v].attrs for v in dsm.variables}
encoding = {v:{key:val for key,val in dsm[v].encoding.items()
if key in ['dtype','_FillValue','missing_value']}
for v in dsm.variables}
#-- compute time variable
date = cftime.num2date(dsm[tb_name].mean(tb_dim),
units = dsm.time.attrs['units'],
calendar = dsm.time.attrs['calendar'])
dsm.time.values = date
if len(date)%12 != 0:
raise ValueError('Time axis not evenly divisible by 12!')
#-- compute climatology
ds = dsm.drop(grid_vars).groupby('time.month').mean('time').rename({'month':'time'})
#-- put grid_vars back
ds = xr.merge((ds,dsm.drop([v for v in dsm.variables if v not in grid_vars])))
attrs['time'] = {'long_name':'Month','units':'month'}
del encoding['time']
# put the attributes back
for v in ds.variables:
ds[v].attrs = attrs[v]
# put the encoding back
for v in ds.variables:
if v in encoding:
ds[v].encoding = encoding[v]
return ds
#-- function
def compute_mon_anomaly(dsm):
'''Compute a monthly anomaly'''
tb_name,tb_dim = time_bound_var(dsm)
grid_vars = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' not in dsm[v].dims]
variables = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' in dsm[v].dims and v not in ['time',tb_name]]
# save attrs
attrs = {v:dsm[v].attrs for v in dsm.variables}
coords = {v:dsm[v].attrs for v in dsm.variables}
encoding = {v:{key:val for key,val in dsm[v].encoding.items()
if key in ['dtype','_FillValue','missing_value']}
for v in dsm.variables}
#-- compute time variable
time_values_orig = dsm.time.values
date = cftime.num2date(dsm[tb_name].mean(tb_dim),
units = dsm.time.attrs['units'],
calendar = dsm.time.attrs['calendar'])
dsm.time.values = date
if len(date)%12 != 0:
raise ValueError('Time axis not evenly divisible by 12!')
#-- compute anomaly
ds = dsm.drop(grid_vars).groupby('time.month') - dsm.drop(grid_vars).groupby('time.month').mean('time')
#-- put grid_vars back
ds = xr.merge((ds,dsm.drop([v for v in dsm.variables if v not in grid_vars])))
ds.time.values = time_values_orig
attrs['month'] = {'long_name':'Month'}
# put the attributes back
for v in ds.variables:
ds[v].attrs = attrs[v]
# put the encoding back
for v in ds.variables:
if v in encoding:
ds[v].encoding = encoding[v]
return ds
#-- function
def compute_ann_mean(dsm):
'''Compute an annual mean'''
tb_name,tb_dim = time_bound_var(dsm)
grid_vars = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' not in dsm[v].dims]
variables = [v for v in dsm.variables if 'time' in dsm[v].dims and v not in ['time',tb_name]]
# save attrs
attrs = {v:dsm[v].attrs for v in dsm.variables}
encoding = {v:{key:val for key,val in dsm[v].encoding.items()
if key in ['dtype','_FillValue','missing_value']}
for v in dsm.variables}
#-- compute time variable
date = cftime.num2date(dsm[tb_name].mean(tb_dim),
units = dsm.time.attrs['units'],
calendar = dsm.time.attrs['calendar'])
dsm.time.values = date
if len(date)%12 != 0:
raise ValueError('Time axis not evenly divisible by 12!')
nyr = len(date)/12
#-- compute weights
dt = dsm[tb_name].diff(dim=tb_dim)[:,0]
wgt = dt.groupby('time.year')/dt.groupby('time.year').sum()
# groupby.sum() does not seem to handle missing values correctly: yields 0 not nan
# the groupby.mean() does return nans, so create a mask of valid values for each variable
valid = {v : dsm[v].groupby('time.year').mean(dim='time').notnull().rename({'year':'time'}) for v in variables}
ones = dsm.drop(grid_vars).where(dsm.isnull()).fillna(1.).where(dsm.notnull()).fillna(0.)
# compute the annual means
ds = (dsm.drop(grid_vars) * wgt).groupby('time.year').sum('time').rename({'year':'time'},inplace=True)
ones_out = (ones * wgt).groupby('time.year').sum('time').rename({'year':'time'},inplace=True)
ones_out = ones_out.where(ones_out>0.)
# renormalize to appropriately account for missing values
ds = ds / ones_out
# put the grid variables back
ds = xr.merge((ds,dsm.drop([v for v in dsm.variables if v not in grid_vars])))
# apply the valid-values mask
for v in variables:
ds[v] = ds[v].where(valid[v])
# put the attributes back
for v in ds.variables:
ds[v].attrs = attrs[v]
# put the encoding back
for v in ds.variables:
ds[v].encoding = encoding[v]
return ds
#-- function
def compute_diff_wrt_reference(ds_list,ds_ref):
ds_list_out = []
for ds in ds_list:
return ds_list_out
#-- main
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
from subprocess import call
import argparse
import sys
#-- parse args
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process timeseries files.')
type = lambda kv: kv.split(','))
type = str)
p.add_argument('--op', dest = 'operation',
required = True,
help = 'Specify operation')
p.add_argument('-v', dest = 'variable_list',
default = [],
required = False,
help = 'variable list')
p.add_argument('-x', dest = 'invert_var_selction',
action = 'store_true',
required = False,
help = 'invert variable list')
p.add_argument('-O', dest = 'overwrite',
required = False,
action ='store_true',
help = 'overwrite')
p.add_argument('--verbose', dest = 'verbose',
required = False,
action ='store_true',
help = 'Verbose')
p.add_argument('--isel', dest = 'isel',
required = False,
action = 'append',
help = 'subsetting mechanism "isel"')
p.add_argument('--pbs-cluster', dest = 'pbs_cluster',
required = False,
action ='store_true',
help = 'do PBS cluster')
p.add_argument('--pbs-spec', dest = 'pbs_spec',
type = lambda csv: {kv.split('=')[0]:kv.split('=')[1] for kv in csv.split(',')},
required = False,
default = {},
help = 'PBS cluster specifications')
args = p.parse_args()
#-- if the user has supplied a spec, assume pbs_cluster=True
if args.pbs_spec:
args.pbs_cluster = True
#-- check output file existence and intentional overwrite
if os.path.exists(args.file_out):
if args.overwrite:
raise ValueError(f'{args.file_out} exists. Use -O to overwrite.')
#-- determine output format
ext = os.path.splitext(args.file_out)[1]
if ext == '.nc':
write_output = lambda ds: ds.to_netcdf(args.file_out,unlimited_dims=['time'])
elif ext == '.zarr':
write_output = lambda ds: ds.to_zarr(args.file_out)
raise ValueError('Unknown output file extension: {ext}')
#-- set the operator
if args.operation == 'annmean':
operator = compute_ann_mean
elif args.operation == 'monclim':
operator = compute_mon_climatology
elif args.operation == 'monanom':
operator = compute_mon_anomaly
raise ValueError(f'Unknown operation {args.operation}')
#-- parse index
isel = {}
for dim_index in args.isel:
dim = dim_index.split(',')[0]
isel[dim] = _list_to_indexer([int(i) for i in dim_index.split(',')[1:]])
#-- report args
if args.verbose:
for arg in vars(args):
print(f'{arg}: {getattr(args, arg)}')
#-- spin up dask cluster?
if args.pbs_cluster:
queue = args.pbs_spec.pop('queue','regular')
project = args.pbs_spec.pop('project','NCGD0011')
walltime = args.pbs_spec.pop('walltime','04:00:00')
n_nodes = args.pbs_spec.pop('n_nodes',4)
if args.pbs_spec:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown fields in pbs_spec: {args.pbs_spec.keys()}')
from dask.distributed import Client
from dask_jobqueue import PBSCluster
USER = os.environ['USER']
cluster = PBSCluster(queue = queue,
cores = 36,
processes = 9,
memory = '100GB',
project = project,
walltime = walltime,
client = Client(cluster)
#-- read the input dataset
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(args.file_in,**xr_open_ds)
if isel:
ds = ds.isel(**isel)
if args.variable_list:
if args.invert_var_selction:
drop_vars = [v for v in ds.variables if v in args.variable_list]
drop_vars = [v for v in ds.variables if v not in args.variable_list]
ds = ds.drop(drop_vars)
if args.verbose:
print('\ninput dateset:')
#-- compute
if args.verbose:
print(f'\ncomputing {args.operation}')
dso = operator(ds)
if args.verbose:
print('\noutput dateset:')
#-- write output
if args.verbose:
print(f'\nwriting {args.file_out}')
#-- wrap up
if args.pbs_cluster:
if args.verbose:
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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