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Last active September 19, 2022 20:55
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import inspect
from inspect import Signature, Parameter
from typing import Tuple, List, Set, Dict
from types import ModuleType
from html import escape
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import cupy as cp
DiffResult = Tuple[str, str, str, bool, bool]
def lcs(left: Signature, right: Signature,
left_module: ModuleType,
right_module: ModuleType) -> List[DiffResult]:
params_l = left.parameters
params_r = right.parameters
param_names_l = list(params_l)
param_names_r = list(params_r)
m = len(param_names_l)
n = len(param_names_r)
backtrack = np.zeros((m + 1, n + 1))
for i in range(0, m):
for j in range(0, n):
if param_names_l[i] == param_names_r[j]:
backtrack[i + 1, j + 1] = backtrack[i, j] + 1
backtrack[i + 1, j + 1] = max(
backtrack[i + 1, j], backtrack[i, j])
result_stack = []
queue = [(m, n)]
while queue != []:
i, j = queue.pop(0)
if i > 0 and j > 0 and param_names_l[i - 1] == param_names_r[j - 1]:
param_left_name = param_names_l[i - 1]
param_right_name = param_names_r[j - 1]
param_l = params_l[param_left_name]
param_r = params_r[param_right_name]
if param_l.default is inspect._empty:
if param_r.default is inspect._empty:
(param_left_name, 'same position', 'both non-kwarg',
True, True))
(param_left_name, 'same position',
f'{left_module.__name__} is non-kwarg, '
f'{right_module.__name__} is kwarg', True, False))
if param_r.default is not inspect._empty:
(param_left_name, 'same position', 'both kwarg',
True, True))
(param_left_name, 'same position',
f'{left_module.__name__} is kwarg, '
f'{right_module.__name__} is non-kwarg', True, False))
queue.append((i - 1, j - 1))
elif j > 0 and (i == 0 or backtrack[i, j - 1] >= backtrack[i - 1, j]):
param_right_name = param_names_r[j - 1]
param_r = params_r[param_right_name]
extra = 'is kwarg'
if param_r.default is inspect._empty:
extra = 'is non-kwarg'
f'extra arg on {right_module.__name__}', extra,
False, False))
queue.append((i, j - 1))
elif i > 0 and (j == 0 or backtrack[i, j - 1] < backtrack[i - 1, j]):
param_left_name = param_names_l[i - 1]
param_l = params_l[param_left_name]
extra = 'is kwarg'
if param_l.default is Parameter.default:
extra = 'is non-kwarg'
f'extra arg on {left_module.__name__}', extra,
False, False))
queue.append((i - 1, j))
return list(reversed(result_stack))
numpy_dir = dir(np)
cupy_dir = dir(cp)
checks = [
('callable', callable),
('function', inspect.isfunction),
('function', inspect.ismethod),
('module', inspect.ismodule),
# 'class': inspect.isclass
manual_check = []
result: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[DiffResult]]] = {'main': {}}
main_results = result['main']
cp_np_shared_funcs = set(numpy_dir) & set(cupy_dir)
stack: List[Tuple[
Set[str], ModuleType, ModuleType, Dict[str, List[DiffResult]]]] = [
(cp_np_shared_funcs, cp, np, main_results)]
while stack != []:
members, mod1, mod2, res = stack.pop(0)
for mem_name in members:
if mem_name.startswith('_'):
mem1 = getattr(mod1, mem_name)
mem2 = getattr(mod2, mem_name)
check1 = {chk for chk, chk_fn in checks if chk_fn(mem1)}
check2 = {chk for chk, chk_fn in checks if chk_fn(mem2)}
if len(check1) > 0 and len(check2) > 0:
print(f'Comparing {mem_name}')
if 'function' in check1:
if 'callable' in check2:
if 'function' not in check2:
sig1 = inspect.signature(mem1)
sig2 = inspect.signature(mem2)
diff = lcs(sig1, sig2, mod1, mod2)
all_match = all([
position_match and kwarg_match
for _, _, _, position_match, kwarg_match in diff])
if not all_match:
res[mem_name] = diff
elif 'callable' in check1:
if {'function', 'callable'} - check2 == set({}):
elif 'module' in check1:
if 'module' in check2:
mod_res = {}
result[mem_name] = mod_res
lmod = getattr(mod1, mem_name)
rmod = getattr(mod2, mem_name)
dir_lmod = dir(lmod)
dir_rmod = dir(rmod)
shared_funcs = set(dir_lmod) & set(dir_rmod)
stack.append((shared_funcs, lmod, rmod, mod_res))
result = {k: result[k] for k in result if len(result[k]) > 0}
table_header = '| Function | Observations |\n|:----:|:-----:|'
text_results = []
for namespace in result:
namespace_results = []
namespace_results.append(f'## {namespace} namespace\n')
namespace_arg_results = result[namespace]
for func_name in sorted(namespace_arg_results):
func_args = namespace_arg_results[func_name]
wrong_args = []
for arg in func_args:
(arg_name, position_obs, req_const_obs,
correct_pos, same_req_const) = arg
if not (correct_pos and same_req_const):
f'`{arg_name}`: {position_obs}, {req_const_obs}')
observations = '<br/>'.join(wrong_args)
namespace_results.append(f'| `{func_name}` | {observations} |')
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