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Created November 8, 2022 23:37
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import math
import tqdm
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
from cupy import testing
from cupyx.profiler import benchmark
dtypes = [cp.uint8, cp.int32, cp.int64, cp.float32, cp.float64,
cp.complex64, cp.complex128]
sizes = [(x, x) for x in [3, 5, 10, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]]
times = {
'gpu': {
d: {
s: {
'cpu_mean': None,
'cpu_std': None,
'gpu_mean': None,
'gpu_std': None
for s in sizes
for d in dtypes
'cpu': {
d: {
s: {
'mean': None,
'std': None,
'cpu_mean': None,
'cpu_std': None,
'gpu_mean': None,
'gpu_std': None
for s in sizes
for d in dtypes
def gather_time(prof):
cpu_time = prof.cpu_times.mean() * 1000
gpu_time = prof.gpu_times.mean() * 1000
cpu_std = prof.cpu_times.std() * 1000
gpu_std = prof.gpu_times.std() * 1000
return {
'cpu_mean': cpu_time,
'cpu_std': cpu_std,
'gpu_mean': gpu_time,
'gpu_std': gpu_std
def call_cpu(ar, axis=0):
ar = cp.moveaxis(ar, axis, 0)
orig_shape = ar.shape
ar_cpu = ar.reshape(orig_shape[0],[1:]))
ar_cpu = cp.asnumpy(cp.ascontiguousarray(ar_cpu))
_, sorted_indices = np.unique(ar_cpu, return_index=True, axis=0)
ar = cp.take(ar, sorted_indices, 0)
ar = ar.reshape(sorted_indices.shape[0], *orig_shape[1:])
return cp.moveaxis(ar, 0, axis)
funcs = {
'gpu': cp.unique,
'cpu': call_cpu
headers = {
'gpu': 'CuPy-only',
'cpu': 'NumPy call'
for dtype in dtypes:
for size in sizes:
x = testing.shaped_random(size, dtype=dtype)
for comp_id in tqdm.tqdm(funcs):
func = funcs[comp_id]
prof = benchmark(func, (x,), n_repeat=100)
time_results = gather_time(prof)
times[comp_id][dtype][size] = time_results
lines = []
# for kind in funcs:
# header = headers[kind]
# lines.append(f'## {header}\n')
# kind_times = times[kind]
# # lines.append('| Size | `dtype` | CPU time (ms) | GPU time (ms) |')
# # lines.append('|:----:|:-------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|')
# lines.append('| Size | `dtype` | max(CPU, GPU) time (ms) |')
# lines.append('|:----:|:-------:|:-------------:|')
# for dtype in dtypes:
# dtype_times = kind_times[dtype]
# dtype_name = dtype.__name__
# for size in sizes:
# size_str = 'x'.join([str(i) for i in size])
# size_times = dtype_times[size]
# cpu_time = size_times['cpu_mean']
# gpu_time = size_times['gpu_mean']
# if cpu_time is not None:
# # lines.append(
# # f'| {size_str} | `{dtype_name}` | {cpu_time:3f} '
# # f'| {gpu_time:3f} |')
# max_time = max(cpu_time, gpu_time)
# lines.append(
# f'| {size_str} | `{dtype_name}` | {max_time:3f} ')
# lines.append('\n')
lines.append(f'| Size | `dtype` | {headers["gpu"]} (ms) | {headers["cpu"]} (ms) |')
for dtype in dtypes:
dtype_name = dtype.__name__
for size in sizes:
size_str = 'x'.join([str(i) for i in size])
line = f'| {size_str} | `{dtype_name}`'
comp = 2
for kind in funcs:
kind_times = times[kind]
dtype_times = kind_times[dtype]
size_times = dtype_times[size]
cpu_time = size_times['cpu_mean']
gpu_time = size_times['gpu_mean']
if cpu_time is not None:
max_time = max(cpu_time, gpu_time)
line = f'{line} | {max_time:3f}'
comp += 1
if comp == 4:
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