6.3.1 Mapping annotation overview
The MappingMongoConverter can use metadata to drive the mapping of objects to documents. An overview of the annotations is provided below
- @Id - applied at the field level to mark the field used for identiy purpose.
- @Document - applied at the class level to indicate this class is a candidate for mapping to the database. You can specify the name of the collection where the database will be stored. @Document(collection = "collectionName")
- @DBRef - applied at the field to indicate it is to be stored using a com.mongodb.DBRef.
- @Indexed - applied at the field level to describe how to index the field.
- @CompoundIndex - applied at the type level to declare Compound Indexes
- @GeoSpatialIndexed - applied at the field level to describe how to geoindex the field.
- @Transient - by default all private fields are mapped to the document, this annotation excludes the field where it is applied from being stored in the database
- @PersistenceConstructor - marks a given constructor - even a package protected one - to use when instantiating the object from the database. Constructor arguments are mapped by name to the key values in the retrieved DBObject.
- @Value - this annotation is part of the Spring Framework . Within the mapping framework it can be applied to constructor arguments. This lets you use a Spring Expression Language statement to transform a key's value retrieved in the database before it is used to construct a domain object. In order to reference a property of a given document one has to use expressions like: @Value("#root.myProperty") where root refers to the root of the given document.
- @Field - applied at the field level and described the name of the field as it will be represented in the MongoDB BSON document thus allowing the name to be different than the fieldname of the class.
The MappingMongoConverter can use metadata to drive the mapping of objects to documents. An overview of the annotations is provided below
@Id - applied at the field level to mark the field used for identiy purpose.
@Document - applied at the class level to indicate this class is a candidate for mapping to the database. You can specify the name of the collection where the database will be stored.
@DBRef - applied at the field to indicate it is to be stored using a com.mongodb.DBRef.
@Indexed - applied at the field level to describe how to index the field.
@CompoundIndex - applied at the type level to declare Compound Indexes
@GeoSpatialIndexed - applied at the field level to describe how to geoindex the field.
@TextIndexed - applied at the field level to mark the field to be included in the text index.
@Language - applied at the field level to set the language override property for text index.
@Transient - by default all private fields are mapped to the document, this annotation excludes the field where it is applied from being stored in the database
@PersistenceConstructor - marks a given constructor - even a package protected one - to use when instantiating the object from the database. Constructor arguments are mapped by name to the key values in the retrieved DBObject.
@Value - this annotation is part of the Spring Framework . Within the mapping framework it can be applied to constructor arguments. This lets you use a Spring Expression Language statement to transform a key’s value retrieved in the database before it is used to construct a domain object. In order to reference a property of a given document one has to use expressions like: @Value("#root.myProperty") where root refers to the root of the given document.
@Field - applied at the field level and described the name of the field as it will be represented in the MongoDB BSON document thus allowing the name to be different than the fieldname of the class.
@Version - applied at field level is used for optimistic locking and checked for modification on save operations. The initial value is zero which is bumped automatically on every update.
MongoDB Limitations:
MongoDB uses locks to prevent multiple clients from updating the same piece of data at the same time. MongoDB 2.2+ uses “database” level locks.So when one write operation locks the database all other write operations to the same database (even if they are to a separate collection) are blocked waiting on the lock. MongoDB uses “writer greedy” locks – it favors writes over reads. In 2.2+ certain long running operations can yield their locks.
Write and Read Consistency (or not so much of it)
Changed in version 3.2: MongoDB 3.2 introduces readConcern option. Clients using majority readConcern cannot see the results of writes before they are made durable.