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Created August 10, 2015 19:30
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#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Common/MyInitGuid.h"
#include "SevenZipJBinding.h"
#include "JNITools.h"
#include "net_sf_sevenzipjbinding_SevenZip.h"
#include "CPPToJava/CPPToJavaInStream.h"
#include "UniversalArchiveOpenCallback.h"
#include "JNICallState.h"
using namespace NWindows;
using namespace NFile;
#ifdef MINGW
0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46);
#endif // MINGW
#include "7zip/UI/Common/LoadCodecs.h"
#include "UnicodeHelper.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#ifndef _UNICODE
bool g_IsNT = false;
static inline bool IsItWindowsNT()
versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(versionInfo);
if (!::GetVersionEx(&versionInfo))
return false;
return (versionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
//CreateObjectFunc createObjectFunc;
STDAPI CreateCoder(const GUID *clsid, const GUID *iid, void **outObject);
STDAPI CreateArchiver(const GUID *classID, const GUID *iid, void **outObject);
* Class: net_sf_sevenzip_SevenZip
* Method: nativeInitSevenZipLibrary
* Signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;
JBINDING_JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_net_sf_sevenzipjbinding_SevenZip_nativeInitSevenZipLibrary(
JNIEnv * env, jclass thiz) {
//const char * msg = load7ZipLibrary(&createObjectFunc);
//if (msg) {
// TRACE1("Error initializing 7-zip library: %s", msg)
// return env->NewStringUTF(msg);
TRACE("7-zip library initialized (TODO)")
return NULL;
void setArchiveFormat(JNIEnv * env, jobject inArchiveImplObject, const UString & formatNameString) {
jclass c = env->GetObjectClass(inArchiveImplObject);
jmethodID methodId = env->GetMethodID(c, "setArchiveFormat", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
jstring jstring = env->NewString(UnicodeHelper(formatNameString), formatNameString.Length());
env->CallVoidMethod(inArchiveImplObject, methodId, jstring);
return ;
* Class: net_sf_sevenzip_SevenZip
* Method: nativeOpenArchive
* Signature: (ILnet/sf/sevenzip/IInStream;Lnet/sf/sevenzip/IArchiveOpenCallback;)Lnet/sf/sevenzip/IInArchive;
JBINDING_JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_net_sf_sevenzipjbinding_SevenZip_nativeOpenArchive(JNIEnv * env,
jclass thiz, jstring formatName, jobject inStream,
jobject archiveOpenCallbackImpl) {
NativeMethodContext nativeMethodContext(env);
JNIInstance jniInstance(&nativeMethodContext);
CCodecs *codecs = new CCodecs;
> compressCodecsInfo = codecs;
HRESULT result = codecs->Load(); // TODO do it only once!
if (result != S_OK)
fatal("codecs->Load() return error: 0x%08X", result);
int cabIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++) {
const wchar_t * name = (const wchar_t*)codecs->Formats[i].Name;
if (wcscmp(name, L"Cab") == 0)
cabIndex = i;
#ifdef TRACE_ON
TRACE1("Available codec: '%S'", name)
#endif // TRACE_ON
//for (int i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++) {
// printf("Available codec: '%S'\n", (const wchar_t*)codecs->Formats[i].Name);
// fflush(stdout);
int index = -1;
UString formatNameString;
if (formatName)
const jchar * formatNameJChars = env->GetStringChars(formatName, NULL);
formatNameString = UnicodeHelper(formatNameJChars);
env->ReleaseStringChars(formatName, formatNameJChars);
TRACE1("Format: '%S'", (const wchar_t*)formatNameString)
index = codecs->FindFormatForArchiveType(formatNameString);
if (index == -1) {
jniInstance.ThrowSevenZipException("Not registered archive format: '%S'", (const wchar_t*)formatNameString);
return NULL;
CMyComPtr<IInArchive> archive;
CMyComPtr<CPPToJavaInStream> stream = new CPPToJavaInStream(&nativeMethodContext, env, inStream);
UniversalArchiveOpencallback * universalArchiveOpencallback = new UniversalArchiveOpencallback(&nativeMethodContext, env, archiveOpenCallbackImpl, (CPPToJavaInStream *)stream);
CMyComPtr<IArchiveOpenCallback> archiveOpenCallback = universalArchiveOpencallback;
UInt64 maxCheckStartPosition = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // Advice from Igor Pavlov
if (index != -1) {
// Use one specified codec
codecs->CreateInArchive(index, archive);
if (!archive) {
fatal("Can't get InArchive class for codec %S", (const wchar_t *)formatNameString);
TRACE1("Opening using codec %S", (const wchar_t*)codecs->Formats[index].Name);
universalArchiveOpencallback->setSimulateArchiveOpenVolumeCallback(index == cabIndex);
HRESULT result = archive->Open(stream, &maxCheckStartPosition, archiveOpenCallback);
if (result != S_OK) {
TRACE1("Result = 0x%08X, throwing exception...", (int)result)
nativeMethodContext.ThrowSevenZipException(result, "Archive file (format: %S) can't be opened", (const wchar_t *)formatNameString);
return NULL;
} else {
// Try all known codecs
TRACE("Iterating through all available codecs...")
bool success = false;
for (int i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++) {
TRACE1("Trying codec %S", (const wchar_t*)codecs->Formats[i].Name);
stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
codecs->CreateInArchive(i, archive);
if (!archive) {
universalArchiveOpencallback->setSimulateArchiveOpenVolumeCallback(i == cabIndex);
HRESULT result = archive->Open(stream, &maxCheckStartPosition, archiveOpenCallback);
if (result != S_OK) {
formatNameString = codecs->Formats[i].Name;
success = true;
if (!success) {
TRACE("Success=false, throwing exception...")
nativeMethodContext.ThrowSevenZipException("Archive file can't be opened with none of the registered codecs");
return NULL;
if (CreateArchiver(&guids[format], &IID_IInArchive, (void **)&archive) != S_OK)
fatal("Can't get class object");
TRACE2("Opening archive file in format %i (%i)... ", (int)format, (size_t)(void*)archive)
CMyComPtr<IInStream> jis = NULL; // new CPPToJavaInStream(env, inStream);
CMyComPtr<IArchiveOpenCallback> archiveOpenCallback;
if (archiveOpenCallbackImpl)
TRACE("Using archive open callback")
archiveOpenCallback = new UniversalArchiveOpencallback(&nativeMethodContext, env, archiveOpenCallbackImpl);
CMyComPtr<CPPToJavaInStream> stream = new CPPToJavaInStream(&nativeMethodContext, env, inStream);
UInt64 maxCheckStartPosition = 0;
HRESULT openResult = archive->Open((IInStream *)stream, &maxCheckStartPosition, archiveOpenCallback);
if (openResult != S_OK)
TRACE1("Result = 0x%08X, throwing exception...", (int)openResult)
nativeMethodContext.ThrowSevenZipException(openResult, "Archive file (format: %i) can't be opened", format);
return NULL;
if (nativeMethodContext.WillExceptionBeThrown()){
return NULL;
TRACE("Archive opened")
jobject InArchiveImplObject = GetSimpleInstance(env, IN_ARCHIVE_IMPL);
setArchiveFormat(env, InArchiveImplObject, formatNameString);
SetLongAttribute(env, InArchiveImplObject, IN_ARCHIVE_IMPL_OBJ_ATTRIBUTE,
SetLongAttribute(env, InArchiveImplObject, IN_STREAM_IMPL_OBJ_ATTRIBUTE,
return InArchiveImplObject;
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