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Created September 26, 2020 16:03
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import std;
Reified type. Currently stores the plain name (not the mangled name).
struct Id
enum Kind : ubyte { _type, _alias };
// state {
Kind kind;
string name;
// }
// Use reify (defined below) to create objects of type Id.
this(Kind kind, string name)
this.kind = kind; = name;
// Comparison for equality relies on strings being interned.
bool opEquals(const ref Id rhs) const
if (kind != rhs.kind) return false;
assert((name.ptr != || (name ==, "Internal error: strings not interned.");
return name.ptr ==;
// kinda crappy just for demo purposes, will redo
Id addConst()()
assert(kind == Kind._type);
return Id(kind, "const(" ~ name ~ ")");
Remove all type qualifiers from `id`.
Id unqual(Id id)()
assert(id.kind == Id.Kind._type);
return reify!(Unqual!(dereify!id));
alias T = dereify!(reify!(int).addConst());
static assert(is(T == const int));
alias U = dereify!(unqual!(reify!T));
static assert(is(U == int));
Reification: given a type, alias, or expression, returns an object associated with it.
auto reify(T)()
return Id(Id.Kind._type, T.stringof);
/// ditto
auto reify(alias T)()
return Id(Id.Kind._alias, T.stringof);
Reification of a collevtion of items: given zero or more types, aliases, or expressions, returns an
array of `Id`s associated with them.
Id[] reifyArray(T...)()
Id[] result;
result.length = T.length;
static foreach (i, X; T)
result[i] = reify!X;
return result;
Dereification: given one ore more `Id` object, yields the type associated with it.
template dereify(Id id) {
static if (id.kind == Id.Kind._type)
mixin("alias dereify = " ~ ~ ";");
mixin("enum dereify = " ~ ~ ";");
/// ditto
template dereify(Id[] ids) {
// TODO: replace recursive implementation with iterative.
static if (ids.length == 0)
alias dereify = AliasSeq!();
else static if (ids.length == 1)
alias dereify = AliasSeq!(dereify!(ids[0]));
alias dereify = AliasSeq!(dereify!(ids[0 .. $ / 2]), dereify!(ids[$ / 2 .. $]));
enum a = reify!int;
static assert( == "int");
enum b = reify!42;
static assert( == "42");
static assert(reify!(1+1).name == "2");
static assert(is(dereify!a == int));
static assert(dereify!b == 42);
static assert(dereify!(reify!"hello") == "hello");
// A few samples taken from std.meta
enum staticIndexOf(Args...) = {
auto id = reify!(Args[0]);
auto ids = reifyArray!(Args[1 .. $]);
auto tail = ids.find(id).length;
return tail == 0 ? -1 : ids.length - tail;
@safe unittest
static assert(staticIndexOf!( byte, byte, short, int, long) == 0);
static assert(staticIndexOf!(short, byte, short, int, long) == 1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!( int, byte, short, int, long) == 2);
static assert(staticIndexOf!( long, byte, short, int, long) == 3);
static assert(staticIndexOf!( char, byte, short, int, long) == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!( -1, byte, short, int, long) == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!(void) == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("abc", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == 0);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("def", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == 1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("ghi", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == 2);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("jkl", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == 3);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("mno", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!( void, "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl") == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!(42) == -1);
static assert(staticIndexOf!(void, 0, "void", void) == 2);
static assert(staticIndexOf!("void", 0, void, "void") == 2);
alias Erase(Args...) = dereify!({
auto id = reify!(Args[0]);
auto ids = reifyArray!(Args[1 .. $]);
// TODO: do something more efficient.
auto p = ids.findSplit([id]);
return p[0] ~ p[2];
@safe unittest
alias T = Erase!(int, short, int, int, 4);
static assert(T.stringof == "tuple((short), (int), 4)");
alias U = Erase!(1, real, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9);
static assert(U.stringof == "tuple((real), 3, 4, 1, 5, 9)");
alias EraseAll(Args...) = dereify!({
auto id = reify!(Args[0]);
auto ids = reifyArray!(Args[1 .. $]);
return ids.remove!(x => x == id);
@safe unittest
alias T = EraseAll!(int, short, int, int, 4);
static assert(T.stringof == "tuple((short), 4)");
alias U = EraseAll!(1, real, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9);
static assert(U.stringof == "tuple((real), 3, 4, 5, 9)");
alias NoDuplicates(Args...) = dereify!({
auto ids = reifyArray!Args;
size_t newLength = ids.length;
for (size_t i = 0; i < newLength; ++i) {
newLength = 1 + i + ids[i + 1 .. $].remove!(x => x == ids[i]).length;
return ids[0 .. newLength];
@safe unittest
alias Types = AliasSeq!(int, long, long, int, float);
alias TL = NoDuplicates!Types;
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(int, long, float)));
@safe unittest
alias LongList = Repeat!(1500, int);
static assert(NoDuplicates!LongList.length == 1);
alias a = NoDuplicates!(AliasSeq!(1, Repeat!(1000, 3)));
alias b = NoDuplicates!(AliasSeq!(1, Repeat!(10, 3)));
static assert(a.length == b.length);
static assert(NoDuplicates!(aliasSeqOf!(iota(7)), aliasSeqOf!(iota(7))) == aliasSeqOf!(iota(7)));
static assert(NoDuplicates!(aliasSeqOf!(iota(8)), aliasSeqOf!(iota(8))) == aliasSeqOf!(iota(8)));
alias Replace(Args...) = dereify!({
auto find = reify!(Args[0]);
auto replace = reify!(Args[1]);
auto range = reifyArray!(Args[2 .. $]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < range.length; ++i) {
if (range[i] == find) {
range[i] = replace;
return range;
@safe unittest
alias Types = AliasSeq!(int, long, long, int, float);
alias TL = Replace!(long, char, Types);
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(int, char, long, int, float)));
alias ReplaceAll(Args...) = dereify!({
auto find = reify!(Args[0]);
auto replace = reify!(Args[1]);
auto range = reifyArray!(Args[2 .. $]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < range.length; ++i) {
if (range[i] == find) {
range[i] = replace;
return range;
@safe unittest
alias Types = AliasSeq!(int, long, long, int, float);
alias TL = ReplaceAll!(long, char, Types);
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(int, char, char, int, float)));
alias Reverse(Args...) = dereify!({
auto ids = reifyArray!Args;
return ids;
@safe unittest
alias Types = AliasSeq!(int, long, long, int, float, byte, ubyte, short, ushort, uint);
alias TL = Reverse!(Types);
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(uint, ushort, short, ubyte, byte, float, int, long, long, int)));
alias MostDerived(Args...) = dereify!({
auto ids = reify!Args;
sort!((a, b) => is(dereify!a : dereify!b))(ids);
return ids;
@safe unittest
class A { }
class B : A { }
class C : B { }
alias Types = AliasSeq!(A, C, B);
alias TL = DerivedToFront!(Types);
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(C, B, A)));
alias staticMap(alias F, Args...) = dereify!({
static immutable ids = reifyArray!Args;
Id[] result;
result.length = Args.length;
static foreach (i; 0 .. Args.length)
result[i] = reify!(F!(dereify!(ids[i])));
return result;
@safe unittest
import std.traits : Unqual;
alias TL = staticMap!(Unqual, int, const int, immutable int, uint, ubyte, byte, short, ushort);
static assert(is(TL == AliasSeq!(int, int, int, uint, ubyte, byte, short, ushort)));
@safe unittest
import std.traits : Unqual;
// empty
alias Empty = staticMap!(Unqual);
static assert(Empty.length == 0);
// single
alias Single = staticMap!(Unqual, const int);
static assert(is(Single == AliasSeq!int));
alias T = staticMap!(Unqual, int, const int, immutable int, uint, ubyte, byte, short, ushort, long);
static assert(is(T == AliasSeq!(int, int, int, uint, ubyte, byte, short, ushort, long)));
// regression test for
@system unittest // typeid opEquals is @system
enum getTypeId(T) = typeid(T);
// TODO: see why this doesn't work.
//alias A = staticMap!(getTypeId, int);
//assert(A == typeid(int));
enum allSatisfy(alias F, Args...) = {
static immutable ids = reifyArray!Args;
static foreach (i; 0 .. Args.length)
if (!F!(dereify!(ids[i])))
return false;
return true;
@safe unittest
import std.traits : isIntegral;
static assert(!allSatisfy!(isIntegral, int, double));
static assert( allSatisfy!(isIntegral, int, long));
enum anySatisfy(alias F, Ts...) = {
static immutable ids = reifyArray!Ts;
static foreach (i; 0 .. Ts.length)
if (F!(dereify!(ids[i])))
return true;
return false;
@safe unittest
import std.traits : isIntegral;
static assert(!anySatisfy!(isIntegral, string, double));
static assert( anySatisfy!(isIntegral, int, double));
alias Filter(alias F, Args...) = dereify!({
static immutable ids = reifyArray!Args;
Id[] result;
static foreach (i; 0 .. Args.length)
enum id = ids[i];
if (F!(dereify!id))
result ~= id;
return result;
@safe unittest
import std.traits : isNarrowString, isUnsigned;
alias Types1 = AliasSeq!(string, wstring, dchar[], char[], dstring, int);
alias TL1 = Filter!(isNarrowString, Types1);
static assert(is(TL1 == AliasSeq!(string, wstring, char[])));
alias Types2 = AliasSeq!(int, byte, ubyte, dstring, dchar, uint, ulong);
alias TL2 = Filter!(isUnsigned, Types2);
static assert(is(TL2 == AliasSeq!(ubyte, uint, ulong)));
@safe unittest
import std.traits : isPointer;
static assert(is(Filter!(isPointer, int, void*, char[], int*) == AliasSeq!(void*, int*)));
static assert(is(Filter!isPointer == AliasSeq!()));
// Had to hoist this outside the unittest because dereify uses stringof
static struct S {}
@safe unittest
enum Yes(T) = true;
static assert(is(Filter!(Yes, const(int), const(S)) == AliasSeq!(const(int), const(S))));
alias Repeat(size_t n, Args...) = dereify!({
static immutable ids = reifyArray!Args;
return ids.cycle.take(n * Args.length).array;
@safe unittest
alias ImInt0 = Repeat!(0, int);
static assert(is(ImInt0 == AliasSeq!()));
alias ImInt1 = Repeat!(1, immutable(int));
static assert(is(ImInt1 == AliasSeq!(immutable(int))));
alias Real3 = Repeat!(3, real);
static assert(is(Real3 == AliasSeq!(real, real, real)));
alias Real12 = Repeat!(4, Real3);
static assert(is(Real12 == AliasSeq!(real, real, real, real, real, real,
real, real, real, real, real, real)));
alias Composite = AliasSeq!(uint, int);
alias Composite2 = Repeat!(2, Composite);
static assert(is(Composite2 == AliasSeq!(uint, int, uint, int)));
alias ImInt10 = Repeat!(10, int);
static assert(is(ImInt10 == AliasSeq!(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)));
@safe unittest
auto staticArray(T, size_t n)(Repeat!(n, T) elems)
T[n] a = [elems];
return a;
auto a = staticArray!(long, 3)(3, 1, 4);
assert(is(typeof(a) == long[3]));
assert(a == [3, 1, 4]);
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