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Created June 19, 2013 15:13
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require "time"
require "digest/md5"
# MySQL Slow Queries Monitoring plug in for scout.
# Created by Robin "Evil Trout" Ward for Forumwarz, based heavily on the Rails Request
# Monitoring Plugin.
# See:
# Example line from a slow queries log file:
# Time: 080606 15:22:26
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 21 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 18 Rows_examined: 8157
# SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE IF('2008-04-18 19:03:00' <= reports.time AND reports.time < '2008-04-20 10:21:00', 0, IF('2008-04-20 10:21:00' <= reports.time AND reports.time < '2008-04-22 01:39:00', 1, IF('2008-04-22 01:39:00' <= repo
class ScoutMysqlSlow < Scout::Plugin
needs "elif"
# In order to limit the alert body size, only the first +MAX_QUERIES+ are listed in the alert body.
default: /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
name: Full path to the MySQL slow queries log file
default: 0
name: "Minimum Query Time (sec)"
attributes: advanced
notes: If the log file contains queries that are less than the specified time in seconds the queries will be ignored.
def build_report
log_file_path = option(:mysql_slow_log).to_s.strip
return if !file_readable?(log_file_path)
slow_query_count = 0
all_queries = [] # all of the queries from the log file are stored here
slow_queries = [] # only the slow queries are placed here
sql = []
last_run = memory(:last_run) ||
minimum_query_time = option(:minimum_query_time).to_f
current_time =
last_run_entry_timestamp = memory(:last_run_entry_timestamp)
# starts at the bottom of the log file, moving up
Elif.foreach(log_file_path) do |line|
if line =~ /^# Query_time: ([\d\.]+) .+$/
query_time = $1.to_f
all_queries << {:query_time => query_time, :sql => sql.reverse}
sql = []
elsif line =~ /^\# Time: (\d+ .*)$/
# We now have a complete entry. capture its timestamp:
# split w/# is for ey compatibility.
temp_timestamp = Time.parse($1.split('#')[0]) {|y| y < 100 ? y + 2000 : y}
# if there was a last_run_entry_timestamp, we can quit based on comparing it to the current_entry_timestamp we just parsed.
if last_run_entry_timestamp && temp_timestamp <= last_run_entry_timestamp
elsif all_queries.any?
sq = all_queries.last
if sq[:query_time] >= minimum_query_time
# this query occurred after the last time this plugin ran and should be counted.
slow_queries << sq.merge({:time_of_query => temp_timestamp})
latest_entry_timestamp ||= temp_timestamp # latest_entry_timestamp will be the bottom timestamp in the log. We'll use it as the watermark for next run
# if there wasn't a last_entry_timestamp, we should break now that we have one complete log entry
break if last_run_entry_timestamp == nil
elsif line !~ /^(\#|use |SET timestamp)/ # an SQL query
sql << line
elapsed_seconds = current_time - last_run
elapsed_seconds = 1 if elapsed_seconds < 1
# calculate per-second
report(:slow_queries => slow_queries.size/(elapsed_seconds/60.to_f))
if slow_queries.any?
alert( build_alert(slow_queries,log_file_path) )
remember(:last_run_entry_timestamp, latest_entry_timestamp || last_run_entry_timestamp)
rescue Errno::ENOENT => error
error("Unable to find the MySQL slow queries log file", "Could not find a MySQL slow queries log file at: #{option(:mysql_slow_log)}. Please ensure the path is correct.")
# Ensure (a) a file path is provided (b) exists (c) is readable. Generates an error and returns +false+ if if the file isn't readable, otherwise +true+.
def file_readable?(path)
unless path and not path.empty?
error( "A path to the MySQL Slow Query log file wasn't provided.",
"The full path to the slow queries log must be provided. Learn more about enabling the slow queries log here:" )
return false
# File#exist? returns false if the file exists but isn't readable. This provides a more accurate error message.
rescue Errno::EACCES
error("The MySQL Slow Query log file isn't readable", "The log file at #{path} isn't readable by the user running Scout. Please update the file permissions to give the user access.")
rescue Errno::ENOENT
error("Unable to find the MySQL Slow Query log file", "Could not find a MySQL Slow Query log file at: #{path}. Please ensure the path is correct.")
error("Unable to read the MySQL Slow Query log file", "The log file at: #{path} couldn't be accessed (#{$!.message}).")
data_for_server[:errors].any? ? false : true
def build_alert(slow_queries,log_file_path)
subj = "Maximum Query Time exceeded on #{slow_queries.size} #{slow_queries.size > 1 ? 'queries' : 'query'}"
body =
slow_queries[0..(MAX_QUERIES-1)].each do |sq|
body << "<strong>#{sq[:query_time]} sec query on #{sq[:time_of_query]}:</strong>\n"
sql = sq[:sql].join
sql = sql.size > 500 ? sql[0..500] + '...' : sql
body << sql
body << "\n\n"
end # slow_queries.each
if slow_queries.size > MAX_QUERIES
body << "#{slow_queries.size-MAX_QUERIES} more slow queries occured. See the slow queries log file (located at #{log_file_path}) for more details."
{:subject => subj, :body => body.encode('UTF-8', {:invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?'})}
end # build_alert
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