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Created July 3, 2024 07:44
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Plasmashell core dump upon external monitor disconnect/reconnect
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd-coredump[12794]: [🡕] Process 2311 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 2507:
#0 0x00007fcb89a949dc __pthread_kill_implementation ( + 0x949dc)
#1 0x00007fcb89a41176 raise ( + 0x41176)
#2 0x00007fcb8cf28c03 _ZN6KCrash19defaultCrashHandlerEi ( + 0x6c03)
#3 0x00007fcb89a41240 __restore_rt ( + 0x41240)
#4 0x00007fcb8c21bc84 _ZNK15QtWaylandClient14QWaylandWindow13waylandScreenEv ( >
#5 0x00007fcb8c21e6cf _ZNK15QtWaylandClient14QWaylandWindow5scaleEv ( + 0xb06cf)
#6 0x00007fcb85e83652 _ZN15QtWaylandClient17QWaylandEglWindow13updateSurfaceEb (libQt6WaylandEglClientH>
#7 0x00007fcb85e83fab _ZN15QtWaylandClient17QWaylandGLContext11makeCurrentEP16QPlatformSurface (libQt6W>
#8 0x00007fcb8aed5cea _ZN14QOpenGLContext11makeCurrentEP8QSurface ( + 0x4d5cea)
#9 0x00007fcb8b08aa22 n/a ( + 0x68aa22)
#10 0x00007fcb8be65a4b n/a ( + 0x465a4b)
#11 0x00007fcb8be671ca n/a ( + 0x4671ca)
#12 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#13 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#14 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12744:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12749:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2311:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8fbb _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8fbb)
#3 0x00007fcb8be6b7af n/a ( + 0x46b7af)
#4 0x00007fcb8be62aed n/a ( + 0x462aed)
#5 0x00007fcb8bcc0057 _ZN12QQuickWindowD2Ev ( + 0x2c0057)
#6 0x000055a4dca78784 n/a (plasmashell + 0x49784)
#7 0x00007fcb8a3d1c27 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent ( + 0x1d1c27)
#8 0x00007fcb8c5c2f6e _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0>
#9 0x00007fcb8a38ec30 _ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent ( + 0x18e>
#10 0x00007fcb8a38ef90 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData (libQt6Co>
#11 0x00007fcb8a5c2fe3 n/a ( + 0x3c2fe3)
#12 0x00007fcb8902d740 n/a ( + 0x5d740)
#13 0x00007fcb8902f388 n/a ( + 0x5f388)
#14 0x00007fcb8902fa3c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5fa3c)
#15 0x00007fcb8a5c1adc _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlag>
#16 0x00007fcb8a3993db _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x1993db)
#17 0x00007fcb8a392bb6 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv ( + 0x192bb6)
#18 0x000055a4dca63b7f n/a (plasmashell + 0x34b7f)
#19 0x00007fcb89a2a1f0 __libc_start_call_main ( + 0x2a1f0)
#20 0x00007fcb89a2a2b9 __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34 ( + 0x2a2b9)
#21 0x000055a4dca64065 n/a (plasmashell + 0x35065)
Stack trace of thread 2316:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8fbb _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8fbb)
#3 0x00007fcb8c1ead67 n/a ( + 0x7cd67)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2320:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2317:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb8c1eadd1 n/a ( + 0x7cdd1)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#3 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#4 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2334:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2315:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb8902f32f n/a ( + 0x5f32f)
#2 0x00007fcb8902fa3c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5fa3c)
#3 0x00007fcb8a5c1adc _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlag>
#4 0x00007fcb8a3993db _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x1993db)
#5 0x00007fcb8a474a64 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x274a64)
#6 0x00007fcb8b37b70a n/a ( + 0x3870a)
#7 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#8 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#9 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2318:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2423:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb8902f32f n/a ( + 0x5f32f)
#2 0x00007fcb8902fa3c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5fa3c)
#3 0x00007fcb8a5c1adc _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlag>
#4 0x00007fcb8a3993db _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x1993db)
#5 0x00007fcb8a474a64 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x274a64)
#6 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#7 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#8 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2525:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2419:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb8902f32f n/a ( + 0x5f32f)
#2 0x00007fcb8902fa3c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5fa3c)
#3 0x00007fcb8a5c1adc _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlag>
#4 0x00007fcb8a3993db _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x1993db)
#5 0x00007fcb8a474a64 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x274a64)
#6 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#7 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#8 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2512:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3345:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2331:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12746:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6457:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2335:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3337:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8fbb _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8fbb)
#3 0x00007fcb8be67167 n/a ( + 0x467167)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2705:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb54bdee71 n/a ( + 0x33e71)
#2 0x00007fcb54bc8854 pa_mainloop_poll ( + 0x1d854)
#3 0x00007fcb54bd30d6 pa_mainloop_iterate ( + 0x280d6)
#4 0x00007fcb54bd3180 pa_mainloop_run ( + 0x28180)
#5 0x00007fcb54be2e19 n/a ( + 0x37e19)
#6 0x00007fcb547d589f n/a ( + 0x5d89f)
#7 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#8 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2524:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3343:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2333:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12773:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3340:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2497:
#0 0x00007fcb89b0578f __poll ( + 0x10578f)
#1 0x00007fcb8902f32f n/a ( + 0x5f32f)
#2 0x00007fcb8902fa3c g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5fa3c)
#3 0x00007fcb8a5c1adc _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlag>
#4 0x00007fcb8a3993db _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE ( + 0x1993db)
#5 0x00007fcb8a474a64 _ZN7QThread4execEv ( + 0x274a64)
#6 0x00007fcb8bdc57c8 n/a ( + 0x3c57c8)
#7 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#8 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#9 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6458:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3339:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2321:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12758:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12782:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6455:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6453:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2509:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12778:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12750:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3338:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2513:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12745:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2510:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2332:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12748:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12759:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6514:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12747:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12771:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2520:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8fbb _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8fbb)
#3 0x00007fcb8be67167 n/a ( + 0x467167)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6456:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2526:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2319:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2522:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12772:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2523:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 6515:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12775:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a92055 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x92055)
#2 0x00007fcb8a4f8f43 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer ( + 0x2f8f43)
#3 0x00007fcb8a4f3fd9 n/a ( + 0x2f3fd9)
#4 0x00007fcb8a4ed139 n/a ( + 0x2ed139)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2322:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2323:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2330:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2508:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 12751:
#0 0x00007fcb8672a80e n/a ( + 0x2580e)
#1 0x00007fcb867279a8 n/a ( + 0x229a8)
#2 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#3 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2511:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 2521:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
Stack trace of thread 3341:
#0 0x00007fcb89a8efee __futex_abstimed_wait_common ( + 0x8efee)
#1 0x00007fcb89a91d30 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ( + 0x91d30)
#2 0x00007fcb7d31cd99 n/a ( + 0x11cd99)
#3 0x00007fcb7d2fcf3b n/a ( + 0xfcf3b)
#4 0x00007fcb7d31ccd7 n/a ( + 0x11ccd7)
#5 0x00007fcb89a92ba2 start_thread ( + 0x92ba2)
#6 0x00007fcb89b1400c __clone3 ( + 0x11400c)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda dbus-daemon[1989]: [session uid=1000 pid=1989] Successfully activated service 'org.kde.ksystemstats1'
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda dbus-daemon[1989]: [session uid=1000 pid=1989] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.180' (uid=1000 pid=1292>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: plasma-ksystemstats.service: Consumed 2.212s CPU time.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: plasma-plasmashell.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: plasma-plasmashell.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: plasma-plasmashell.service: Consumed 42.971s CPU time.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: plasma-plasmashell.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: Starting KDE Plasma Workspace...
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda firefox[4672]: Couldn't map window 0x7f1d688fada0 as subsurface because its parent is not mapped.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda firefox[4672]: Couldn't map window 0x7f1d688fada0 as subsurface because its parent is not mapped.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda firefox[4672]: Couldn't map window 0x7f1d688fada0 as subsurface because its parent is not mapped.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: Started KDE Plasma Workspace.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: Starting Track hardware statistics...
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_cpu" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugin_c>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_disk" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugin_>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_gpu" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugin_g>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: kf.plasma.quick: Applet preload policy set to 1
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_lmsensors" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_pl>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_memory" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugi>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:195:25: QML FolderViewDrop>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_network" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plug>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_osinfo" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugi>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda ksystemstats[12970]: Loaded plugin "ksystemstats_plugin_power" from file "/usr/lib64/qt6/plugins/ksystemstats/ksystemstats_plugin>
Jul 03 09:36:26 andromeda systemd[1774]: Started Track hardware statistics.
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.desktopcontainment/contents/ui/main.qml:195:25: QML FolderViewDrop>
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "writer.desktop" 0x5645b80e8c70
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "org.kde.digikam.desktop" 0x5645b80e8c70
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "org.kde.Help.desktop" 0x5645b71518a0
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "writer.desktop" 0x5645b80e87b0
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "org.kde.digikam.desktop" 0x5645b7153880
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.kicker: Entry is not valid "org.kde.Help.desktop" 0x5645b80e9500
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFi>
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFi>
Jul 03 09:36:27 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: qt.dbus.integration: Could not connect "org.cups.cupsd.Notifier" to PrinterFinishingsChanged(QString, QString>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda kded6[2205]: kf.kded: could not find kded module with id "kameleon"
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda kded6[2205]: kf.kded: attempted to load an invalid module.
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: error connecting to kameleon via dbus: "No such object path '/modules/kameleon'"
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: qml: SystemTray ItemLoader: Invalid state, cannot determine source!
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFi>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:162:21: QML KSortFi>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda kded6[2205]: kf.kded: could not find kded module with id "kameleon"
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda kded6[2205]: kf.kded: attempted to load an invalid module.
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: error connecting to kameleon via dbus: "No such object path '/modules/kameleon'"
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: qml: SystemTray ItemLoader: Invalid state, cannot determine source!
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: error getting max keyboard brightness via dbus QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "No suc>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: org.kde.plasma.taskmanager: Failed to find service for Unity Launcher "application://teams-for-linux.desktop"
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: error getting max keyboard brightness via dbus QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "No suc>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: The cached device pixel ratio value was stale on window update. Please file a QTBUG which explains how to re>
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
Jul 03 09:36:31 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
Jul 03 09:36:32 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
Jul 03 09:36:32 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
Jul 03 09:36:32 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator/contents/ui/main.qml:61:13: Unable to ass>
Jul 03 09:36:33 andromeda plasmashell[12921]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.keyboardindicator/contents/ui/main.qml:61:13: Unable to ass>
Jul 03 09:36:35 andromeda systemd[1774]: Started Konsole - Terminal.
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