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Last active March 2, 2023 20:38
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Save andreasWallner/9621887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple magic that enables better use of ipython as a calculator
""" PyCalc
A small "package" that makes it easier for engineers to use IPython as a calculator.
The idea is to extend the python syntax to understand the SI prefixes that are
customary in engineering, like "milli" or "Mega". The code below registers a
TokenInputTransformer with IPython that will rewrite every python line before
it is given to python itself.
It also changes the IPython output routines so that the same prefixes are also
used there.
To install just copy the file into your profiles startup folder. Most of the
time this will be in one of these folders:
* ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup
* ~/.config/ipython/profile_default/startup
The extension is not activated by default, it has to be activated with the
%calc magic.
BEWARE: this will change ipythons output, sometimes e.g. reducing the precision
of a calulated result (because we want to have e.g. 2.34k). Values stored in
variables will have to result with full precision though:
>>> x = 2.333k
>>> x
>>> x * 10
At the moment numbers are rounded to two decimal digits, not to e.g. a number of
significant digits.
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import sys
from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.core.inputtransformer import TokenInputTransformer
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
from IPython.utils._tokenize_py3 import TokenInfo
conv = lambda t: t
# ipython running on python2 does not return TokenInfo objects
# but tuples. To be able to keep the same code, just fake
# the used functionality of the TokenInfo object
class TokenInfo(tuple):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super(TokenInfo, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TokenInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.type = self[0]
self.string = self[1]
self.start = self[2]
self.end = self[3]
self.line = self[4]
conv = lambda t: TokenInfo(t)
def calc(line):
""" activate formatting and input to make use of IPython as calculator easier
Enables SI postfixes:
>>> 1k/5M
BEWARE: This will change the output of IPython, you wil e.g. not see floats
with the complete precision they would have:
>>> 1/3
ip = get_ipython()
formatter = ip.display_formatter.formatters['text/plain']
formatter.for_type(int, _intPrettyPrint)
formatter.for_type(float, _floatPrettyPrint)
for s in (ip.input_splitter, ip.input_transformer_manager):
def _magnitude(x):
""" returns the (magnitude of x) / 3
only works in the range 1e27 > x > 1e-27, otherwise returns None
# introduce an offset to that we do not get
# problems because of the integer division of negative
# numbers
n = math.log10(x) + 24
if math.isinf(n):
return None
m = (int(n) // 3) - 8
# 8 : because 8/-8 is the largest/smallest supported magnitude
if abs(m) > 8:
return None
return m
def _precomma(x):
""" number of digits before comma when using engineering notation
only works for numbers x > 1e-101, otherwise returns garbage
return ((int(math.log10(x) + 100) - 100) % 3) + 1
_postfixes = {
'Y': 1.e24 , 'Z': 1.e21, 'E': 1.e18, 'P': 1.e15, 'T': 1.e12,
'G': 1.e9, 'M': 1.e6, 'k': 1.e3, '': 1, 'm': 1.e-3, 'u': 1.e-6, 'n': 1.e-9,
'p': 1.e-12, 'f': 1.e-15, 'a': 1.e-18, 'z': 1.e-21, 'y': 1.e-24,
_postfixes_rev = { _magnitude(x) : (k,x) for k,x in _postfixes.items() }
def _intPrettyPrint(x, p, cycle):
""" print more information for an integer
Formatter function that can be registered in IPython to print
additional information if an integer is being printed to the
IPython output.
It will e.g. print
>>> 5
5 (0x0005)
if x >= 0:
p.text('{0} (0x{0:x} uint)'.format(x))
xa = abs(x)
if xa <= 2**15:
xa = 2**16 - xa
p.text('{0} (0x{1:F>4x} sint)'.format(x,xa))
elif xa <= 2**31:
xa = 2**32 - xa
p.text('{0} (0x{1:F>8x} sint)'.format(x,xa))
elif xa <= 2**63:
xa = 2**64 - xa
p.text('{0} (0x{1:F>16x} sint)'.format(x,xa))
def _floatPrettyPrint(x, p, cycle):
""" pretty print floats with SI postfixes
Formatter function that can be registered in IPython to print
floats in 'engineering' formatting:
>>> 5e6
scale = _magnitude(x)
if scale in _postfixes_rev:
x /= _postfixes_rev[scale][1]
p.text('{:.2f}{}'.format(x, _postfixes_rev[scale][0]))
def si_postfix_transformer(tokens):
""" transforms input so that IPython recognizes SI postfixes
>>> 5M
result = []
save = None
for t in tokens:
t = conv(t)
if t.type == 1 and save is not None: # it's a name and we saved a number
if t.string in _postfixes:
ns = '{}'.format(float(save.string) * _postfixes[t.string])
result.append(TokenInfo( 2, ns, save.start, t.end, save.line))
save = None
elif t.type == 2:
if save is not None:
save = t
if save is not None:
save = None
return result
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