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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save andreasWallner/9681385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andreasWallner/9681385 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import numpy as np
mu_0 = 4 * np.pi * 10e-7
def field_contribution(x, y, pos, I, r):
v = np.asarray([x,y])
v = v - pos
if np.abs(np.sum(v*v)) < r*r:
return np.asarray([0,0])
factor = mu_0 / (2 * np.pi *,v))
return np.array([ I * v[1] * factor, -I * v[0] * factor ])
def get_x(val):
return val[0]
def get_y(val):
return val[1]
def limit_vec(c, limit):
abs = np.sqrt(np.sum(c*c))
if abs > limit:
return np.zeros(c.shape)
return c
def limit_val(s, limit):
if s > limit:
return s-s
return s
vgx = np.vectorize(get_x)
vgy = np.vectorize(get_y)
vsum = np.vectorize(np.sum)
field = np.vectorize(field_contribution, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=['pos','I', 'r'])
limit = np.vectorize(limit_vec, otypes=[np.ndarray], excluded=['limit'])
limits = np.vectorize(limit_val, excluded=['limit'])
def calc_field(d, I, c_w, c_h, npc, r):
xs = np.linspace(-c_w, c_w, num=2 * c_w * npc + 1)
ys = np.linspace(-c_h, c_h, num=2 * c_h * npc + 1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
c1 = field(X, Y, pos=[d, 0], I=I, r=r)
c2 = field(X, Y, pos=[-d, 0], I=-I, r=r)
c = c1 + c2
return X,Y,c
def coilInField(c, width):
f = np.zeros(c.shape)
yf = vgy(c)
w = width // 2
for x in range(w, Y.shape[1] - w):
for y in range(0, Y.shape[0]):
f[y][x] = np.abs(np.sum(yf[y][x-w : x+w]))
return f / width
X,Y,c = calc_field(0.8, 1, 2, 1, 300, 0.025)'C:/work/antenna_field/field.npy', c)
#del c
#c = np.load('C:/work/antenna_field/field.npy', 'r')
f = coilInField(c, 5)'C:/work/antenna_field/coil_strength.npy', f)
#del f
#f = np.load('C:/work/antenna_field/coil_strength.npy', 'r')
#lc = limit(c, 1e-5)
#lf = limit(f, 10)
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=[10.4, 22.22])
plt.contour(X, Y, f, [12e-6,4.1e-6,3.9e-6,6e-6,3e-6,1e-6])
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
plt.savefig('C:/work/antenna_field/xxx.svg', bbox_inches='tight')#, dpi=300)
#unused plots
#QP = plt.quiver(X, Y, vgx(lc), vgy(lc))
#plt.quiver(X, Y, np.zeros(lc.shape), vgy(lc))
#plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
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