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Save andreasonny83/b24e38b7772a3ea362d8e8d238d5a7bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# See http://help.github.com/ignore-files/ for more about ignoring files. | |
# compiled output | |
/dist | |
/tmp | |
/out-tsc | |
# Runtime data | |
pids | |
*.pid | |
*.seed | |
*.pid.lock | |
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover | |
lib-cov | |
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul | |
coverage | |
# nyc test coverage | |
.nyc_output | |
# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) | |
.grunt | |
# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) | |
bower_components | |
# node-waf configuration | |
.lock-wscript | |
# IDEs and editors | |
.idea | |
.project | |
.classpath | |
.c9/ | |
*.launch | |
.settings/ | |
*.sublime-workspace | |
# IDE - VSCode | |
.vscode/* | |
!.vscode/settings.json | |
!.vscode/tasks.json | |
!.vscode/launch.json | |
!.vscode/extensions.json | |
# misc | |
.sass-cache | |
connect.lock | |
typings | |
# Logs | |
logs | |
*.log | |
npm-debug.log* | |
yarn-debug.log* | |
yarn-error.log* | |
# Dependency directories | |
node_modules/ | |
jspm_packages/ | |
# Optional npm cache directory | |
.npm | |
# Optional eslint cache | |
.eslintcache | |
# Optional REPL history | |
.node_repl_history | |
# Output of 'npm pack' | |
*.tgz | |
# Yarn Integrity file | |
.yarn-integrity | |
# dotenv environment variables file | |
.env | |
# next.js build output | |
.next | |
# Lerna | |
lerna-debug.log | |
# System Files | |
.DS_Store | |
Thumbs.db |
Thanks for the template!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you it is very useful.
Thanks 😍
Thank you for sharing it.
I just included this file in a repository. Thank you very much for sharing.
Thanks for shaing - useful and matches my needs exactly.
thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot! :-)
Thanks bro!
Thank you for your support!
Sorry thought I was posting to a different gist. :-P
Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone know why GitHub doesn't already have a .gitignore template for javascript in the dropdown when creating a new repository?
Does anyone know why GitHub doesn't already have a .gitignore template for javascript in the dropdown when creating a new repository?
probably github devs (creators) being lazy
Thank you!
Thx for info
@tricerintops Does anyone know why GitHub doesn't already have a .gitignore template for javascript in the dropdown when creating a new repository?
FYI @WojtekCodesToday
It is located under the name "Node" :)
Thank you @ramazansancar .
I know this is now integrated into GitHub. However, at the time I created this file, the integration did not exist.
@tricerintops Does anyone know why GitHub doesn't already have a .gitignore template for javascript in the dropdown when creating a new repository?
FYI @WojtekCodesTodayIt is located under the name "Node" :)
Thanks, i use some keywords that aren't there, that's why.
(i hope "Deno" exists)
Thanks man!
amazing, thanks!
This is a life saver! Thank you so much for providing such a resourceful file.
Thank you!
Very useful 👌🏻. Thank you!