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Last active December 3, 2022 03:14
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aoc 2022
(defn parse-int [s] (Integer/parseInt s))
(defn chunk-lines-by-blank
"Given a seq of lines, assumes that chunks of lines are separated by a blank line
(a line containing only white space) and returns a seq of those chunks
(with each chunk being its own seq of lines)"
(->> lines
(partition-by clojure.string/blank?)
(filter (fn [c]
(not (and
(= (count c) 1)
(= (first c) "")))))))
(defn process-part-one [input]
(->> input
(map (fn [chunk]
(map parse-int chunk)))
(map (fn [chunk]
(reduce + chunk)))
(apply max)
(defn process-part-two [input]
(->> input
(map (fn [chunk]
(map parse-int chunk)))
(map (fn [chunk]
(reduce + chunk)))
(sort >)
(take 3)
(reduce +)
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