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Forked from axisofentropy/ruby-enterprise.spec
Created April 15, 2010 13:59
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# Package Maintainer: Increment phusion_release to match latest release available
%define phusion_release 2009.10
Summary: Ruby Enterprise Edition (Release %{phusion_release})
Name: ruby-enterprise
Packager: Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
Version: 1.8.7
Release: 2%{dist}
License: GPL
Group: Development/Languages
Source0: ruby-enterprise-%{version}-%{phusion_release}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{phusion_release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires: readline readline-devel ncurses ncurses-devel gdbm gdbm-devel glibc-devel autoconf gcc unzip openssl-devel db4-devel byacc
BuildRequires: ruby
Ruby Enterprise Edition is a server-oriented friendly branch of Ruby which includes various enhancements:
* A copy-on-write friendly garbage collector. Phusion Passenger uses this, in combination with a technique called preforking, to reduce Ruby on Rails applications' memory usage by 33% on average.
* An improved memory allocator called tcmalloc, which improves performance quite a bit.
* The ability to tweak garbage collector settings for maximum server performance, and the ability to inspect the garbage collector's state. (RailsBench GC patch)
* The ability to dump stack traces for all running threads (caller_for_all_threads), making it easier for one to debug multithreaded Ruby web applications.
%setup -q -n ruby-enterprise-%{version}-%{phusion_release}
%package rubygems
Summary: The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
Version: 1.3.5
License: Ruby or GPL+
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: ruby-enterprise >= 1.8
Provides: ruby-enterprise(rubygems) = %{version}
%description rubygems
RubyGems is the Ruby standard for publishing and managing third party
libraries. This rubygems package is for ruby-enterprise.
./installer --auto /usr/local --dont-install-useful-gems --destdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
# no-op
%doc source/ChangeLog
%doc source/COPYING
%doc source/LEGAL
%doc source/LGPL
%doc source/NEWS
%doc source/README
%doc source/README.EXT
%doc source/ToDo
# rubygems
%exclude %{_prefix}/local/bin/gem
%exclude %{_prefix}/local/lib/ruby/gems
%exclude %{_prefix}/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems*
%exclude %{_prefix}/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/ubygems.rb
%exclude %{_prefix}/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rbconfig
%files rubygems
%doc rubygems/LICENSE.txt
%doc rubygems/README
%doc rubygems/GPL.txt
%doc rubygems/ChangeLog
# Do not install if /usr/local/bin/ruby exists and is not provided by an RPM
if ([ -e /usr/local/bin/ruby ] && !(rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/local/bin/ruby >/dev/null)); then
exit 1
exit 0
%pre rubygems
# Do not install if /usr/local/bin/gem exists and is not provided by an RPM
if ([ -e /usr/local/bin/gem ] && !(rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/local/bin/gem >/dev/null)); then
exit 1
exit 0
* Wed Dec 02 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Updated for release 2009.10
* Wed Oct 07 2009 Adam Vollrath and Richard Templet <[email protected]>
- Updated for release 20090928
* Wed Jun 10 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Updated for release 20090610
* Tue Jun 02 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Added check for existing /usr/local/bin/gem
- Added LICENSE and other important document files
* Mon Jun 01 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Refactored to use Phusion's installer instead of building from source
- Changed prefix to just /usr/local
- Added check for existing /usr/local/bin/ruby
- Split rubygems into a subpackage
* Sat May 30 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Changed Release number convention
- Added tcmalloc support and `make test`
* Tue May 26 2009 Adam Vollrath <[email protected]>
- Updated for 1.8.6-20090520
- Several small improvements to spec file
* Fri Dec 13 2008 Tim C. Harper <[email protected]>
- first build of REE package
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