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Created April 25, 2018 17:31
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from jira import JIRA
import csv
import re
import time
from jira.exceptions import JIRAError
no_format = re.compile(r'{(code|noformat}).*?(code|noformat)}')
no_inline = re.compile(r'{{.*?}}')
no_xml = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
no_logs = re.compile(r'(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}) (\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3}) \\[(.*)\\] ([^ ]*) +([^ ]*) - (.*)$')
no_stacktrace = re.compile(r'(at)\ (\w+[a-z]\.\w+.*)|(Caused by:).*|(...)\ \d+\ (more)')
timeout = 60
def sanitize(text: str):
text = text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')
text = no_format.sub('', text)
text = no_inline.sub('', text)
text = no_stacktrace.sub('', text)
text = no_xml.sub('', text)
text = no_logs.sub('', text)
return text
if __name__ == '__main__':
client = JIRA(server='')
all_fields = client.fields()
custom_sp = [field['id'] for field in all_fields if field['name'].lower() == "story points"]
if len(custom_sp) == 0:
elif len(custom_sp) > 1:
custom_sp = custom_sp[0]
headers = ['project', 'description', 'points']
with open("data/issues.csv", 'w+') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, escapechar='\\', quotechar='"')
counter = 0
at_once = 100
start = 0
attempts = 3
while True:
issues = []
issues = client.search_issues(
'"Story Points" != EMPTY AND "Story Points" != 0',
startAt=start, maxResults=at_once
except JIRAError as e:
print('Cannot search issues: {}'.format(e.status_code))
if len(issues) == 0 and attempts == 0:
counter += len(issues)
written = 0
for issue in issues:
if issue is None or issue.fields is None or issue.fields.description is None:
attempts -= 1
print('Jira is exhausted, give it some time to rest. Sleeping for {} seconds'.format(timeout))
start += at_once / 2
s = sanitize(issue.fields.description)
# print('Sanitize {}'.format(s))
desc = [issue.fields.summary]
desc.extend(str(s).split(' '))
desc_str = ' '.join(desc),
records = [, desc_str, str(getattr(issue.fields, custom_sp))]
written += 1
start += at_once
print('Still pulling some data. Written {} records'.format(start - at_once + written))
print('Pulled {} issues'.format(counter))
print('End of ScrappyJ')
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