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Last active December 22, 2024 14:35
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The construction of the least closure operator that forces a given predicate to be true.
(* A proof that there is a least closure operator which forces a given
predicate to be true. The construction can be found in, e.g.,
Martin Hyland's “Effective topos” paper, Proposition 16.3. *)
(* A closure operator on [Prop] is an idempotent, monotone, inflationary enodmap.
One often requires additionally that the operator preserves conjunctions,
in which case these are also called j-operators and Lawvere-Tierney topologies.
We eschew the condition to obtain a slighly more general result, but we
also show that the closure operator of interst happens to preserve conjunctions.
Require Import Utf8.
Structure Closure := {
j :> Prop → Prop ;
j_monotone : ∀ p q, (p → q) → j p → j q ;
j_inflationary : ∀ p, p → j p ;
j_idempotent : ∀ p, j (j p) → j p ;
Section Forcing.
(* Suppose [P] is a predicate on [A]. *)
Variable (A : Type).
Variable (P : A → Prop).
(* The underlying map of the least operator that forces [P] to be the top predicate. *)
Definition force (p : Prop) : Prop :=
∀ (r : Prop), (p → r) → (∀ a, (P a → r) → r) → r.
(* It actually forced [P]. *)
Theorem force_forces: ∀ a, force (P a).
intros b r H G.
exact (G b H).
(* It is a monotone operator. *)
Lemma force_monotone p q: (p → q) → force p → force q.
intros pq jp r qr H.
apply jp ; auto.
(* It is a closure operator. *)
Definition Force : Closure.
exists force.
- apply force_monotone.
- firstorder.
- intros p jjp r pr H.
apply jjp.
+ intro G.
exact (G _ pr H).
+ assumption.
(* It is the least closure operator forcing [P]. *)
Theorem force_least (j : Closure) :
(∀ a, j (P a)) → ∀ p, force p → j p.
intros H p fPp.
apply fPp.
- apply j_inflationary.
- intros a G.
apply j_idempotent.
now apply j_monotone with (p := P a).
(* It preserves conjunctions. *)
Lemma force_lexp p q : force p ∧ force q ↔ force (p ∧ q).
- intros [jp jq] r pqr H.
apply jq.
+ intro G.
apply jp.
* tauto.
* assumption.
+ assumption.
- intro H.
split ; generalize H ; now apply force_monotone.
End Forcing.
Section ForcingProp.
(* As a special case of the above, here is forcing of a proposition. *)
(* Suppose [p] is a proposition, which we wish to force. *)
Variable p : Prop.
Definition forceProp : Closure.
exists (fun q => ∀ (r : Prop), (q → r) → ((p → r) → r) → r).
- intros q r qr H r' rr' G.
apply H ; tauto.
- intros q H r qr G ; tauto.
- intros q H r qr G.
+ apply H.
intro L.
* exact (L _ qr G).
* assumption.
End ForcingProp.
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