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Last active April 4, 2018 12:28
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Pester example for ssis-deploy-sqlagentjob.Tests.ps1
mport-Module Pester
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dirName = Split-Path -Leaf $here
$toTest = (Join-Path $here "..\..\step-development\ssis-deploy-sqlagentjob.ps1")
# Initialize OctopusParameters
$OctopusParameters = @{}
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_ServerName", "localhost")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_FolderName", "Hekla")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_ProjectName", "Dummy.MA.Postings.ispac")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_PackageName", "Package")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobName", "1 Job Name Testing")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_CatalogName", "SSISDB")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_EnvironmentName", "Test")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobStepName", "Job Step Name Test 1")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobScheduleName", "Job Schedule Name")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobExecutionFrequency", "Daily")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobFrequencyInterval", "1")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobExecutionTimeHour", "12")
$OctopusParameters.Add("SSIS_JobExecutionTimeMinute", "00")
#arrange: We need to deploy first a project
$expectedProjectName = $OctopusParameters["SSIS_ProjectName"]
$isPester = $True #Indicate to script this is test
. "$toTest"
Describe "Validate Scripts and Powershell " {
# Add Tests
write-host "Executing...."
write-host $toTest
Context 'Step Template Setup' {
It "Arion-deploy-sqljob.ps1 is correct ps1" {
$toTest | Should Exist
It "File Contains valid ps1" {
$psFile = Get-Content -Path $toTest -ErrorAction Stop
$errors = $null
$null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors)
$errors.Count | Should Be 0
} #end of context
Describe "Check Project Exists " {
# Add Tests
write-host "returning $Catalog"
Write-Host "Get project $Project"
Write-Host "Project time $Project.LastDeployedTime"
write-host $toTest
Context 'Step Template Setup' {
It "Project Name exists" {
$Project.Name | Should Be $expectedProjectName
It "Deployment Date is Today" {
$deploymentDate = $Project.LastDeployedTime
$deploymentDate.Date | Should -Be (Get-Date).Date
} #end of context
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