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stm32g0 rtfm::Monotonic
//! Using STM32G0 TIM2 as monotonic timer
use core::u32;
use core::{
convert::{Infallible, TryInto},
use defmt::Format;
use hal::stm32;
use hal::timer::*;
use rtic::{Fraction, Monotonic};
/// A measurement of the counter. Opaque and useful only with `Duration`
/// # Correctness
/// Adding or subtracting a `Duration` of more than `(1 << 31)` cycles to an `Instant` effectively
/// makes it "wrap around" and creates an incorrect value. This is also true if the operation is
/// done in steps, e.g. `(instant + dur) + dur` where `dur` is `(1 << 30)` ticks.
#[derive(Format, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Instant {
inner: i32,
impl Instant {
/// Returns an instant corresponding to "now"
pub fn now() -> Self {
unsafe {
let tim = &*stm32::TIM2::ptr();
let cnt = as i32;
Instant {
inner: cnt,
/// Returns the amount of time elapsed since this instant was created.
pub fn elapsed(&self) -> Duration {
Instant::now() - *self
/// Returns the underlying count
pub fn counts(&self) -> u32 {
self.inner as u32
/// Returns the amount of time elapsed from another instant to this one.
/// NOTE: it does not handle timer wraping correctly!
pub fn duration_since(&self, earlier: Instant) -> Duration {
let diff = self.inner - earlier.inner;
assert!(diff >= 0, "second instant is later than self");
Duration { inner: diff as u32 }
impl ops::AddAssign<Duration> for Instant {
fn add_assign(&mut self, dur: Duration) {
// NOTE this is a debug assertion because there's no foolproof way to detect a wrap around;
// the user may write `(instant + dur) + dur` where `dur` is `(1<<31)-1` ticks.
debug_assert!(dur.inner < (1 << 31));
self.inner = self.inner.wrapping_add(dur.inner as i32);
impl ops::Add<Duration> for Instant {
type Output = Self;
fn add(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
self += dur;
impl ops::SubAssign<Duration> for Instant {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, dur: Duration) {
// NOTE see the NOTE in `<Instant as AddAssign<Duration>>::add_assign`
debug_assert!(dur.inner < (1 << 31));
self.inner = self.inner.wrapping_sub(dur.inner as i32);
impl ops::Sub<Duration> for Instant {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self {
self -= dur;
impl ops::Sub<Instant> for Instant {
type Output = Duration;
fn sub(self, other: Instant) -> Duration {
impl Ord for Instant {
fn cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for Instant {
fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
/// A `Duration` type to represent a span of time.
/// # Correctness
/// This type is *not* appropriate for representing time spans in the order of, or larger than,
/// seconds because it can hold a maximum of `(1 << 31)` "ticks" where each tick is the inverse of
/// the CPU frequency, which usually is dozens of MHz.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Duration {
inner: u32,
impl Duration {
/// Creates a new `Duration` from the specified number of clock cycles
pub fn from_cycles(cycles: u32) -> Self {
Duration { inner: cycles }
/// Returns the total number of clock cycles contained by this `Duration`
pub fn as_cycles(&self) -> u32 {
/// Returns `Duration` in microseconds
pub fn micros(&self) -> u32 {
let frac = Tim2::ratio();
self.inner * frac.numerator / (64 * frac.denominator)
// Used internally by RTFM to convert the duration into a known type
impl TryInto<u32> for Duration {
type Error = Infallible;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<u32, Infallible> {
impl ops::AddAssign for Duration {
fn add_assign(&mut self, dur: Duration) {
self.inner += dur.inner;
impl ops::Add<Duration> for Duration {
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Duration {
inner: self.inner + other.inner,
impl ops::Mul<u32> for Duration {
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: u32) -> Self {
Duration {
inner: self.inner * other,
impl ops::MulAssign<u32> for Duration {
fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: u32) {
*self = *self * other;
impl ops::SubAssign for Duration {
fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Duration) {
self.inner -= rhs.inner;
impl ops::Sub<Duration> for Duration {
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
Duration {
inner: self.inner - rhs.inner,
/// Adds the `secs`, `millis` and `micros` methods to the `u32` type
pub trait U32Ext {
/// Converts the `u32` value as seconds into ticks
fn secs(self) -> Duration;
/// Converts the `u32` value as milliseconds into ticks
fn millis(self) -> Duration;
/// Converts the `u32` value as microseconds into ticks
fn micros(self) -> Duration;
impl U32Ext for u32 {
fn secs(self) -> Duration {
self.millis() * 1_000
fn millis(self) -> Duration {
self.micros() * 1_000
fn micros(self) -> Duration {
let frac = Tim2::ratio();
// 64 MHz / fraction / 1_000_000
Duration {
inner: (64 * frac.denominator * self) / frac.numerator,
/// Implementation of the `Monotonic` trait
pub struct Tim2;
impl Tim2 {
// consume timer so it cannot be used accidentially elsewhere
pub fn init(_: Timer<stm32::TIM2>) {
let tim2 = unsafe { &*stm32::TIM2::ptr() };
tim2.arr.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(u32::MAX) });
// 64 MHz prescaled by 64 (psc is -1) = 1 MHz
tim2.psc.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(63) });
tim2.cnt.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(0) });
tim2.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.cen().set_bit().urs().set_bit());
impl Monotonic for Tim2 {
type Instant = Instant;
fn ratio() -> Fraction {
// monotonic * fraction = sys clock
Fraction {
numerator: 64,
denominator: 1,
unsafe fn reset() {
let ptr = &*stm32::TIM2::ptr();
fn now() -> Instant {
fn zero() -> Instant {
Instant {
inner: 0,
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