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Created February 14, 2021 13:59
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Zip
newtype Width a = Width { getW :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Num)
instance Applicative Width where
pure = Width
f <*> a = Width (getW f (getW a))
instance Monad Width where
v >>= f = f (getW v)
newtype Height a = Height { getH :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Num)
instance Applicative Height where
pure = Height
f <*> a = Height (getH f (getH a))
instance Monad Height where
v >>= f = f (getH v)
newtype Depth a = Depth { getD :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Num)
instance Applicative Depth where
pure = Depth
f <*> a = Depth (getD f (getD a))
instance Monad Depth where
v >>= f = f (getD v)
data Vec2D a = MkVec2D { v2dw :: Width a , v2dh :: Height a } deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable)
data Vec3D a = MkVec3D { v3dw :: Width a , v3dh :: Height a, v3dd :: Depth a} deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable)
instance Applicative Vec2D where
pure v = MkVec2D (pure v) (pure v)
(MkVec2D f g) <*> (MkVec2D a b) = MkVec2D (f <*> a) (g <*> b)
instance Applicative Vec3D where
pure v = MkVec3D (pure v) (pure v) (pure v)
(MkVec3D f g h) <*> (MkVec3D a b c) = MkVec3D (f <*> a) (g <*> b) (h <*> c)
instance Monad Vec2D where
(MkVec2D x y) >>= f = let (MkVec2D x' _ ) = f (getW x)
(MkVec2D _ y') = f (getH y) in MkVec2D x' y'
instance Monad Vec3D where
(MkVec3D x y z) >>= f = let (MkVec3D x' _ _) = f (getW x)
(MkVec3D _ y' _) = f (getH y)
(MkVec3D _ _ z') = f (getD z) in MkVec3D x' y' z'
instance MonadZip Vec2D where
mzip (MkVec2D x y) (MkVec2D a b)= MkVec2D (Width (getW x, getW a)) (Height (getH y, getH b))
instance MonadZip Vec3D where
mzip (MkVec3D x y z) (MkVec3D a b c) = MkVec3D (Width (getW x, getW a))
(Height (getH y, getH b))
(Depth (getD z, getD c))
instance (MonadZip m, Num a) => Num (m a) where
(+) = mzipWith (+)
(-) = mzipWith (-)
(*) = mzipWith (*)
abs = fmap abs
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
signum = fmap signum
dot :: (Foldable t, Num a, MonadZip t) => t a -> t a -> a
dot a b = sum (mzipWith (*) a b)
lenSquared :: (Foldable t, Num a, MonadZip t) => t a -> a
lenSquared a = dot a a
main :: IO ()
main = let v = 3 :: Vec3D Int in putStrLn (show (lenSquared v))
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