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Last active May 4, 2021 19:54
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Systems Design Assignment


The university has decided to invest in a revamp of their library’s digital service, moving it from a legacy system that’s hosted on premise, to a modern, cloud-native system that’s built atop a Platform as a Service like AWS.

Create a searchable system for storing the library’s catalogue, that library members can use to find and check out books.


Must Have

  • Store the library’s catalogue of books
    • The catalogue contains 10 million unique books, with one or more copies of each one available
    • Each year, ~700,000 unique books are added to the library’s catalogue, and ~300,000 are removed
  • Search books by title, author, and ISBN number
    • The library’s catalogue contains books in >300 languages
    • The library’s catalogue is internationally available, and is searched ~275,000 times per day
  • Checkout books that are available
    • Members are limited to having 10 books checked out at a time
    • Members should receive a notification of their checkout

Should Have

  • Be notified when your book is overdue
    • Books can only be checked out for 14 continuous days from the date of checkout
  • Browse books by author and category
    • Categories are created by the library’s staff, and books assigned to them

Could Have

  • Favourite books that are of interest to you
    • Members should receive a weekly summary of their top 5 favourite books, ranked by most frequently checked out
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