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Created August 29, 2017 04:55
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Convert arXiv webpage into markdown entry for webpage in Hugo academic theme
Convert arXiv code into markdown entry for webpage in Hugo academic theme
Main usuage e.g.,
>>> markdown('1607.06608')
to scrape into a publication for Hugo
academic theme.
import requests
import datetime
import collections
import sys
import re
from lxml import html
URL_DOI = "{}"
URL_ARXIV = "{}"
DATE_ARXIV = "%d %b %Y"
DATE_MD = "%Y-%m-%d"
FETCH = collections.namedtuple('arXiv', 'date title authors abstract url_pdf url_doi')
abstract = {abstract}
abstract_short = ""
authors = {authors}
date = {date}
image_preview = ""
math = true
publication_types = ["2"]
publication = ""
publication_short = ""
selected = false
title = {title}
url_code = ""
url_dataset = ""
url_pdf = {url_pdf}
url_project = ""
url_slides = ""
url_video = ""
name = "DOI"
url = {url_doi}
def wrap_quote(item):
:returns: Argument strippted of trailing spaces and wrapped in quotation marks
return '"{}"'.format(str(item).strip())
def parse_date(date):
:returns: Date in format for Hugo academic theme
prefix = '(Submitted on'
date = date[len(prefix):].strip("() ")
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, DATE_ARXIV).strftime(DATE_MD)
return wrap_quote(date)
def parse_author(author):
:returns: Author in format Firstname Lastname
names = author.split(",")
names = [n.strip() for n in names]
author = "{} {}".format(*names[::-1])
return author
def parse_tex(tex):
:returns: LaTeX code but with special characters escaped for markdown
tex = re.sub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", tex)
tex = re.sub("_", "\\\\\\\\_", tex)
tex = re.sub("\n", " ", tex)
return wrap_quote(tex)
def parse_doi(url_doi):
:returns: URL for DOI, if there is one
if url_doi:
return wrap_quote(URL_DOI.format(url_doi.strip()))
return '""'
def fetch_raw(code):
:param code: arXiv code, e.g. 1607.06608
:returns: Data scraped from arXiv page
url_arxiv = URL_ARXIV.format(code)
page = requests.get(url_arxiv)
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
date = tree.xpath('//div[@class="dateline"]/text()')[0]
title = tree.xpath('//h1[@class="title mathjax"]/text()')[0]
abstract = tree.xpath('//blockquote[@class="abstract mathjax"]/text()')[-1]
url_pdf = tree.xpath('//meta[@name="citation_pdf_url"]')[0].items()[1][1]
authors = [a.items()[1][1] for a in tree.xpath('//meta[@name="citation_author"]')]
url_doi = tree.xpath('//meta[@name="citation_doi"]')[0].items()[1][1]
except IndexError:
url_doi = ""
return FETCH(date, title, authors, abstract, url_pdf, url_doi)
def fetch_markdown(code):
:param code: arXiv code, e.g. 1607.06608
:returns: Data scraped from arXiv page in markdown format
data = fetch_raw(code)
date = parse_date(
title = parse_tex(data.title)
authors = str([parse_author(a) for a in data.authors])
abstract = parse_tex(data.abstract)
url_pdf = wrap_quote(data.url_pdf)
url_doi = parse_doi(data.url_doi)
return FETCH(date, title, authors, abstract, url_pdf, url_doi)
def markdown(code):
:param code: arXiv code, e.g. 1607.06608
:returns: Markdown entry for publication in Hugo academic theme
data = fetch_markdown(code)
return TEMPLATE.format(**data._asdict())
if __name__ == "__main__":
code = sys.argv[1]
print markdown(code)
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@gcushen users of your great theme with publications on the arXiv may find this useful. I used it to scrape the data from my publications into my markdown entries for my webpage.

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