= Flippa CSS Styleguide =
== CRITICAL: Regenerating Stylesheets for deployment ==
If you edit any stylesheets in app/stylesheets, you must run the following command from the project's root:
$> bundle exec compass compile
== Basic Formatting ==
- MINIMAL selectors. Use as little specificity as required to target your element(s). No more or less.
- #id selectors are only to be used to style the element directly, not in descendant selectors.
- !important is banned. Except NEVER.
- One selector per line.
- opening curly brace on new line.
- one blank line between each declaration block.
- 2 space (soft)tabbing.
=== Comments ===
- No ASCii art comments.
- Use single line comments (eg: // this is a thing)
- Single space after '//' first letter of comment is a capital letter (improves legibility for eye-scanning)
=== SASS features ===
- SCSS format only (curly braces are required)
- any @include calls must be first line of declaration, if at all possible
- Variables are to be declared in _variables.scss only
- Mixins and functions should be declared in _functions.scss
- Colour variables are prefixed with $c_
- Typography variables are prefixed with $f_
- Dimension variables are prefixed with $d_
- Only use darken(color, 10%) or lighten(color, 10%) for borders, hover effects or similar minor decoration. If you need more than 10% change, select and define a new colour (or get Andrew to do it)
- Encapsulate features with a parent class, for ease of refactoring (eg: delete the entire block when feature is redesigned)
// Section comment, eg: "Header"
.classname element,
.second selector
@include box-shadow(1px 1px 1px #fff);
margin:$d_space 0 $d_space * 2;
font: $f_body_shorthand;
font-family:"Comic Sans", CurlzMT, Courier, fantasy;