Request URL w/ authentication, this will be updated when we go live:;boomi_auth=c3BhY2Vzd29ya3NleHRlcm5Ac3BhY2VzYnYtSzdUTVJIOjMxODgwZmE1LWQ5ZWQtNDVjMS1hM2IyLTk4NGI5NmQ5MjNmNw==?eventuelequeryparameter=optioneel
Cookies are set with GTM - The value of these cookie(s) will be the value of the headers required to be sent to the endpoint.
x-ga-clickid -> {{please parse the value of the cookie called gclid. Be aware, the cookie is only available when there is a GooglieClickID present / people coming via paid traffic.}}
x-ga-clientid -> {{please parse the value of the cookie gclientid}}
"comments":"This lead came via / Spaces 10 years campaign. The client should be offered a day trial.",
"minorSource":"{{please parse the value of the channel_attrib cookie}}",
"majorSource":"marketing activity",
"locale":"{{parse the values of the country field}}"
If it's for a Dutch location (Country form field value = en_NL), please include following in the input profile
'event': 'enquiry'
'type': 'membership',
'locale': '{{locale}}'