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Last active October 5, 2023 12:08
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Script to aid in installing packages after R update
# script to upgrade R and re-install all (or at least most) packages
# Pre-upgrade: save your packages as an rds file
my_pkg <- pak::pkg_list()
# if loaded from RStudio
#here::here("R", "update_packages", "my_packages.rds")
# if loaded from finder
saveRDS(object = my_pkg, file = "my_packages.rds")
# --------------
# now upgrade R -
# --------------
# after upgrade, bring back the rds file
my_pkg <- readRDS("my_packages.rds")
# first, install all the cran packages
inst <- my_pkg$package[my_pkg$repository == "CRAN"]
install.packages(inst, type = "binary", Ncpus = 6)
# check what is installed
now <- pak::pkg_list()
# see what is missing
missing <- my_pkg[!my_pkg$package %in% now$package, ]
# if installed from github, make name vector
add <- paste0(missing$remoteusername, "/", missing$remoterepo)
add <- add[!add %in% "NA/NA"]
# now install github
# see if there is anything left
final <- pak::pkg_list()
final_missing <- my_pkg[!my_pkg$package %in% final$package, ]
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