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Last active March 14, 2022 17:03
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Coolors function in Python
# import plotnine for demo and testing
from plotnine import *
from import mtcars
def coolors(URL):
# function takes coolors url, extracts hex codes and adds #
if URL.find("palette") != -1:
# extract just the hex
cstr = URL.replace("", "")
cstr = cstr.replace("https:///", "")
cstr = cstr.replace("palette/", "")
cstr = cstr.replace("-", " ")
# split into individual strings and add #
clist = cstr.split(" ")
cols = []
for hex in range(len(clist)):
cols.append((str("#" + clist[hex])))
return cols
# extract just the hex
cstr = URL.replace("", "")
cstr = cstr.replace("https:///", "")
cstr = cstr.replace("-", " ")
# split into individual strings and add #
clist = cstr.split(" ")
cols = []
for hex in range(len(clist)):
cols.append((str("#" + clist[hex])))
return cols
# test
url = str("")
url2 = str("")
test_plot = ggplot(mtcars, aes('mpg', 'hp', color = 'factor(carb)')) +\
geom_point() +\
scale_color_manual(values = coolors(url))
test_plot_2 = ggplot(mtcars, aes('mpg', 'hp', color = 'factor(cyl)')) +\
geom_point() +\
scale_color_manual(values = coolors(url2))
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