npm run sequelize db:migrate:all
Save andrewmunro/030f0bf62453239c495b0347c8cd1247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ | |
"presets": ["es2015"], | |
"plugins": [ | |
"add-module-exports" | |
], | |
} |
const path = require('path'); | |
module.exports = { | |
'config': path.resolve('migrations/config/babelHook.js'), | |
'migrations-path': path.resolve('migrations'), | |
'seeders-path': path.resolve('migrations/seeders'), | |
'models-path': path.resolve('migrations/models') | |
}; |
// migrations/config/babelHook.js | |
require('babel-core/register'); | |
module.exports = require('./config'); |
// migrations/config/config.js | |
import config from 'my/app/config'; | |
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; | |
export default { | |
[env]: { | |
url: config.mysql.migrate, | |
dialect: 'mysql', | |
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta' | |
} | |
}; |
// migrations/models/model.js | |
import sequelize from 'sequelize'; | |
const model = sequelize.define('foo', { | |
createdAt: { | |
type: this.sequelize.DATE, | |
allowNull: false, | |
}, | |
updatedAt: { | |
type: this.sequelize.DATE, | |
allowNull: true, | |
}, | |
}); | |
export default model; |
{ | |
"name": "seqelize-with-es6", | |
"description": "Example of sequelize cli running with es6 models", | |
"version": "0.0.1", | |
"main": "index.js", | |
"contributors": [], | |
"scripts": { | |
"sequelize": "sequelize $*" | |
}, | |
"dependencies": { | |
"sequelize": "^3.30.4" | |
}, | |
"devDependencies": { | |
"babel-core": "^6.24.0", | |
"babel-plugin-add-module-exports": "^0.2.1", | |
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.0", | |
"sequelize-cli": "^2.7.0" | |
} | |
} |
Thanks for it!
can't seem to get the dialect to work, I'm getting this:
RROR: Dialect undefined does not support db:create / db:drop commands
Note: the "undefined".
My config.js for the babelHook.js looks like:
// migrations/config/config.js
import config from '../../config/config.json';
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
export default {
[env]: {
dialect: config[env]['dialect'],
username: config[env]['username'],
password: config[env]['password'],
host: config[env]['host'],
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta'
Running it, such as...
$ npm run sequelize db:drop
> @2.10.0 sequelize /Users/gary/Development/digsup/DigsUp
> sequelize $* "db:drop"
Sequelize CLI [Node: 9.8.0, CLI: 4.0.0, ORM: 4.37.8]
Loaded configuration file "migrations/config/babelHook.js".
ERROR: Dialect undefined does not support db:create / db:drop commands
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @2.10.0 sequelize: `sequelize $* "db:drop"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the @2.10.0 sequelize script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/gary/.npm/_logs/2018-05-23T21_38_39_285Z-debug.log
Any help appreciated.
Resolved. The issue was actually that I needed to pass the environment variable through to babel.
I used cross-env, so this solved it by adding it to my package.json.
"sequelize": "cross-env NODE_ENV=local sequelize $*",
this doesn't actually work for me with import
and export
statements. i'm trying the following:
- running
- requiring babel-core/register in my sequelize config.js
- using cross-env (didn't help)
relevant npm run commands:
"sequelize": "NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize --config config/sequelize-cli.js",
"db:migrate": "npm run sequelize db:migrate",
"db:seed": "npm run sequelize db:seed:all",
my sequelize config:
const path = require('path');
const conf = require(path.resolve('.', 'config'));
const env = conf.get('NODE_ENV');
console.log(`env=${env}, db config=`);
module.exports = { [env]: conf.get('db') };
the tests:
$ NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize --config config/sequelize-cli.js db:seed:all
Sequelize CLI [Node: 8.11.1, CLI: 4.0.0, ORM: 4.38.0]
env=test, db config=
{ dialect: 'postgres',
database: 'appraise',
port: 5432,
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta',
operatorsAliases: false,
define: { underscored: true },
logging: true,
pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
query: { pool: true, debug: true },
debug: true,
host: 'localhost' }
Loaded configuration file "config/sequelize-cli.js".
Using environment "test".
Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
== 20180910163130-demo-user: migrating =======
ERROR: Unexpected token export
$ NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize --config config/sequelize-cli.js db:migrate
Sequelize CLI [Node: 8.11.1, CLI: 4.0.0, ORM: 4.38.0]
env=test, db config=
{ dialect: 'postgres',
database: 'appraise',
port: 5432,
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta',
operatorsAliases: false,
define: { underscored: true },
logging: true,
pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
query: { pool: true, debug: true },
debug: true,
host: 'localhost' }
Loaded configuration file "config/sequelize-cli.js".
Using environment "test".
Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
Executing (default): SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type LIKE '%TABLE' AND table_name != 'spatial_ref_sys';
Executing (default): SELECT pk.constraint_type as "Constraint", c.column_name as "Field", c.column_default as "Default", c.is_nullable as "Null", (CASE WHEN c.udt_name = 'hstore' THEN c.udt_name ELSE c.data_type END) || (CASE WHEN c.character_maximum_length IS NOT NULL THEN '(' || c.character_maximum_length || ')' ELSE '' END) as "Type", (SELECT array_agg(e.enumlabel) FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid=e.enumtypid WHERE t.typname=c.udt_name) AS "special" FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN (SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, cu.column_name, tc.constraint_type FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE cu ON tc.table_schema=cu.table_schema and tc.table_name=cu.table_name and tc.constraint_name=cu.constraint_name and tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pk ON pk.table_schema=c.table_schema AND pk.table_name=c.table_name AND pk.column_name=c.column_name WHERE c.table_name = 'SequelizeMeta' AND c.table_schema = 'public'
File: .DS_Store does not match pattern: /\.js$/
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SequelizeMeta" ("name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE , PRIMARY KEY ("name"));
Executing (default): SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) as column_indexes, array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND t.relkind = 'r' and t.relname = 'SequelizeMeta' GROUP BY i.relname, ix.indexrelid, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique, ix.indkey ORDER BY i.relname;
Executing (default): SELECT "name" FROM "SequelizeMeta" AS "SequelizeMeta" ORDER BY "SequelizeMeta"."name" ASC;
No migrations were executed, database schema was already up to date.
$ NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize --config config/sequelize-cli.js db:migrate
Sequelize CLI [Node: 8.11.1, CLI: 4.0.0, ORM: 4.38.0]
env=test, db config=
{ dialect: 'postgres',
database: 'appraise',
port: 5432,
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta',
operatorsAliases: false,
define: { underscored: true },
logging: true,
pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
query: { pool: true, debug: true },
debug: true,
host: 'localhost' }
Loaded configuration file "config/sequelize-cli.js".
Using environment "test".
Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
Executing (default): SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type LIKE '%TABLE' AND table_name != 'spatial_ref_sys';
Executing (default): SELECT pk.constraint_type as "Constraint", c.column_name as "Field", c.column_default as "Default", c.is_nullable as "Null", (CASE WHEN c.udt_name = 'hstore' THEN c.udt_name ELSE c.data_type END) || (CASE WHEN c.character_maximum_length IS NOT NULL THEN '(' || c.character_maximum_length || ')' ELSE '' END) as "Type", (SELECT array_agg(e.enumlabel) FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid=e.enumtypid WHERE t.typname=c.udt_name) AS "special" FROM information_schema.columns c LEFT JOIN (SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, cu.column_name, tc.constraint_type FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE cu ON tc.table_schema=cu.table_schema and tc.table_name=cu.table_name and tc.constraint_name=cu.constraint_name and tc.constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY') pk ON pk.table_schema=c.table_schema AND pk.table_name=c.table_name AND pk.column_name=c.column_name WHERE c.table_name = 'SequelizeMeta' AND c.table_schema = 'public'
File: .DS_Store does not match pattern: /\.js$/
Executing (default): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "SequelizeMeta" ("name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE , PRIMARY KEY ("name"));
Executing (default): SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, array_agg(a.attnum) as column_indexes, array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) AS definition FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND t.relkind = 'r' and t.relname = 'SequelizeMeta' GROUP BY i.relname, ix.indexrelid, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique, ix.indkey ORDER BY i.relname;
Executing (default): SELECT "name" FROM "SequelizeMeta" AS "SequelizeMeta" ORDER BY "SequelizeMeta"."name" ASC;
No migrations were executed, database schema was already up to date.
$ NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize --config config/sequelize-cli.js db:seed:all
Sequelize CLI [Node: 8.11.1, CLI: 4.0.0, ORM: 4.38.0]
env=test, db config=
{ dialect: 'postgres',
database: 'appraise',
port: 5432,
migrationStorageTableName: 'SequelizeMeta',
operatorsAliases: false,
define: { underscored: true },
logging: true,
pool: { max: 5, min: 0, acquire: 30000, idle: 10000 },
query: { pool: true, debug: true },
debug: true,
host: 'localhost' }
Loaded configuration file "config/sequelize-cli.js".
Using environment "test".
Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result
== 20180910163130-demo-user: migrating =======
ERROR: Unexpected token export
once the first import or export statements gets processed they all fail with something like the above.
Experiencing the same issue after requiring @babe/core in my package.json
Here's the error output:
Loaded configuration file "server/config/babelHook.js".
Using environment "development".
sequelize deprecated String based operators are now deprecated. Please use Symbol based operators for better security, read more at node_modules/sequelize/lib/sequelize.js:242:13
== 20190218092918-create-menu: migrating =======
ERROR: Unexpected token export
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] sequelize: `sequelize $* "db:migrate"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] sequelize script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/techcellent/.npm/_logs/2019-02-18T13_50_12_190Z-debug.log
and here's my package.json file:
"name": ".....",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "....",
"main": "index.js",
"sequelize": {
"require": [
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon --exec babel-node index.js",
"test": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-lcov ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --exit --timeout 10000 --reporter spec --compilers js:@babel/register ./test/*.js",
"coveralls": "nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
"sequelize": "sequelize $*"
No example of a migration
Needs Typescript definitions
EcmaScript in migrations worked for me only with this file (and installing the packages in it)
@clenondavis The import is likely a small raw
that means little.You can as well, and preferably personally, define everything in the
.BTW it works like magic and I can't yet understand how it works, this is the first real method that lets me do migrations in ES6, great job!