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Created December 15, 2018 14:17
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Python script to summarize running jobs under SLURM scheduler
#! /usr/bin/env python
Summarize status of running jobs under SLURM scheduler.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import subprocess as sp
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
## parse runtime as reported by `squeue`, return as hours (floating-point)
def parse_runtime(x):
pieces = x.split(":")
if len(pieces) == 2:
d = 0
h = 0
m,s = [ int(_) for _ in pieces ]
elif len(pieces) == 3:
h,m,s = pieces
if "-" in h:
d,h = [ int(_) for _ in h.split("-") ]
m,s = [ int(_) for _ in [m,s] ]
d = 0
h,m,s = [ int(_) for _ in [h,m,s] ]
hh = 24*d + h + m/60 + s/(60*60)
return hh
def reformat_time(x):
return str( timedelta(hours = x) )
## query scheduler for running jobs
cmd = os.path.expandvars("squeue -u $USER")
piper = sp.Popen(cmd, stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE, shell = True)
STAT_CODE = [ "PD","R","CG","S","ST" ]
STAT_DESC = [ "pending","running","compl","susp","stop" ]
## slurp off header line
jobs = iter(piper.stdout.readline, "")
_ = next(jobs)
## loop on jobs
counts = defaultdict(int)
runtimes = defaultdict(list)
for line in jobs:
pieces = line.decode().strip().split()
if not len(pieces):
counts[ pieces[4] ] += 1
runtimes[ pieces[4] ].append( parse_runtime(pieces[5]) )
## print summary
print("STATUS","NJOBS","MINTIME","MAXTIME", sep = "\t")
for status,desc in zip(STAT_CODE, STAT_DESC):
max_time, min_time = "--","--"
if status in runtimes:
max_time = reformat_time( max(runtimes[status]) )
min_time = reformat_time( min(runtimes[status]) )
print(desc, counts[status], min_time, max_time, sep = "\t")
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