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Forked from joelbowen/
Created August 13, 2018 03:10
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create-react-native-app environment variables


  1. Rename your app.json file to base-app.json. This will be used as the template to generate the final app.json output.
  2. On your .gitignore file, add:
# ...your other ignored files

# use base-app.json instead because we're generating this file during builds.
  1. On your package.json file, modify your scripts so that create-react-native-app-config is executed before react-native-scripts:
  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm run create-react-native-app-config && react-native-scripts start",
    "eject": "react-native-scripts eject",
    "android": "npm run create-react-native-app-config && react-native-scripts android",
    "ios": "npm run create-react-native-app-config && react-native-scripts ios",
    "test": "npm run create-react-native-app-config && jest",
    "create-react-native-app-config": "rimraf app.json && node create-react-native-app-config.js"
  1. Copy create-react-native-app-config.js below into a file at the root level of your project.
├── ...other files
├── .babelrc
├── .gitignore
├── .watchmanconfig
├── package.json
├── app.json
├── App.test.js
├── App.js
├── create-react-native-app-config.js <---- create this file, then paste the code below into it!
└── ...other files
* create-react-native-app-config.js
* -----------------------------
* Native app config .env generator
* This source code generates environment variables and writes them
* to app.json. It is inspired by the concept used in react-scripts
* and is built for react-native apps so that they share the same
* .env variables.
* Resources:
'use strict';
// Instead of app.json, we'll use base-app.json, since app.json will be
// generated by this script.
const baseConfig = require(`./base-app.json`);
const config = Object.assign({}, baseConfig);
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV;
if (!NODE_ENV) {
throw new Error(
'The NODE_ENV environment variable is required but was not specified.'
const dotenvPath = '.env';
var dotenvFiles = [
// Don't include `.env.local` for `test` environment
// since normally you expect tests to produce the same
// results for everyone
NODE_ENV !== 'test' && `${dotenvPath}.local`,
// Load environment variables from .env* files. Suppress warnings using silent
// if this file is missing. dotenv will never modify any environment variables
// that have already been set. Variable expansion is supported in .env files.
dotenvFiles.forEach(dotenvFile => {
if (fs.existsSync(dotenvFile)) {
path: dotenvFile,
// Although the community recommends REACT_NATIVE_APP_* environment variables,
// it is not ideal in this case, where the app is meant to be cross-platform
// and in much need of a common source of truth, no matter which platform it
// is running on.
// Like react-scripts, we will use the REACT_APP_* variable prefix so that if
// react-scripts reads REACT_APP_*, react-native also reads REACT_APP_*. Thus,
// configurations like API URLs are shared across the board.
// If the variable is reserved for native apps only, then yes, we finally use
// REACT_NATIVE_APP_* as an exclusive variable.
const REACT_APP = /^REACT_APP_/i;
function getClientEnvironment() {
const env = {};
.filter(key => REACT_APP.test(key) || REACT_NATIVE_APP.test(key)) // REACT_APP_ takes precedence!
.forEach(key => {
env[key] = process.env[key];
return env;
config.expo.extra = Object.assign({}, config.expo.extra, getClientEnvironment());
// Output the environment variables to the app.json file.
fs.writeFileSync('app.json', JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf8');
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