#!/bin/bash |
#This program used for resizing and batch wave -- mp3 encoding |
#Please make sure you have |
#* lame |
#* sips |
#* mp3splt |
#installed before run it |
##Author Andrew Shatnyy |
year=$(date +"%Y") #today's year tag for ID3v2 |
comment="Property of nuwax records ${year} (c)" #comment tag for ID3v2 |
echo |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "* Nuwaxrecords encoder *" |
echo "* ${comment} *" |
echo "* Author: Andrew Shatnyy *" |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo |
function getTotal { |
# counts total tracks in forlder |
t=1 #counter total for track numbers |
for c in *.wav; do |
tt=$((t++)) |
done |
} |
#fetching release namebased on working derictory and its naming format: |
# [Catalogue ##] Artist Name - Album name |
function getReleasename { |
#assiging script absolute path to variable |
# basefolder=$(dirname "$0"|tr " " "\ "|tr "(" "\("|tr ")" "\)") |
#echo "basefolder is: "${basefolder} |
# relesename=$(echo ${basefolder} |cut -d- -f2| cut -c2-) |
# catalogue=$(echo ${basefolder} |cut -d"[" -f2 |cut -d"]" -f1) |
relesename=$(echo basename `pwd` |cut -d- -f2| cut -c2-) |
catalogue=$(echo basename `pwd` |cut -d"[" -f2 |cut -d"]" -f1) |
#catalogue=${catalogue} |
#cd script to workfolder |
cd "${basefolder}" |
#pwd |
echo |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "Release name is: ${relesename}" |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo |
} |
function resize { |
#resizing a file |
sips -z 300 300 "${catalogue}.jpg" --out "${catalogue}_300.jpg" |
artwork="${catalogue}_300.jpg" |
} |
function encode { |
#encoding process |
echo |
echo "Starting encoding ${filename}" |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo |
lame "$file" "${encodedFile}" -c -b 320 --tg "house" --tt "${title}" --ta "${artist}" --tn "${ct}/${tt}" --tl "${relesename}" --ty "${year}" --ti "${artwork}" --tc "${comment}"--add-id3v2 |
} |
function process { |
#main encoding loop |
n=1 #counter for track numbers |
for file in *.wav; do |
#file=$(echo $file|cut -d] -f2|cut -d/ -f2) |
#echo "Working on file "${file} |
ct=$((n++)) |
artist=$(echo $file |cut -d- -f1 | cut -d" " -f2) |
title=$(echo $file |cut -d- -f2|cut -d. -f1|cut -c2-) |
filename=$(echo $file |cut -d\. -f1|tr " " "_") |
encodedFile="./${fold}/${filename}.mp3" |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "* Track info " |
echo "* Artist: "${artist} |
echo "* Title: "${title} |
echo "* Combined filename: ${filename}" |
echo "***********************************************" |
encode |
done |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "*encoding has finished <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*" |
echo "***********************************************" |
} |
function makeFolder () { |
#creates folder for encoded mp3s |
fold="320" |
mkdir ${fold} |
} |
function chopMp3 { |
echo |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "Chopping file to a sapmples 2 min long *" |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo |
#mp3split will create 320chops folder with output files in it |
for mp3 in ./320/*.mp3 ;do |
mp3splt -d 320chops ${mp3} 01.00 03.00 |
done |
} |
function check () { |
#checking if files are on place |
if [ -e ./${catalogue}.jpg ];then { |
echo "***********************************************" |
echo "* Artwork was found *" |
echo "* *" |
# Something wrong with the if statement |
# if [ -e ./*.wav ];then { |
echo "* Wave files were found *" |
echo "***********************************************" |
getTotal |
resize |
makeFolder |
process |
chopMp3 |
# } else { |
# echo "Wave files are missing there's nothing to encode" |
# } |
# fi |
} else { |
echo "Missing artwork sorry..." |
} |
fi |
} |
getReleasename |
check |