Starting in 2 weeks (14 days) all Packix Sellers will be required to pay 10% of their future sales so we can maintain the service and ensure each seller is paying their fair share for it. The 10% will be applied after PayPal fees. Packix server bills alone are not cheap and while Packix is worked on we cannot develop our own tweaks to sell to cover the bills. We have spent a lot of time recently working on improving Packix and have dumped well over 200+ hours in the past month into the project. The 10% of your sales will be invoiced to you in the Packix Dashboard on the 2nd and 16th of each month. You will then have 7 days to pay the invoice via a PayPal payment button. If the payment is not made within 7 days of being invoiced your future sales will be frozen until your past invoices are paid. You may at any point request an invoice if you would like to pay your invoices quicker on your own schedule.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding,
The Packix Team
piss off